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Everything posted by cleetussnow

  1. This is the Boston crews storm right now. We need a little quicker phase but there is time for something even better.
  2. Trough orientation is better, more neutral-ish
  3. for the nam to cover 200 miles in a 6 hour period is no problem at this range. Which I will add it did today, and why it is toast next year.
  4. I went from nothing to almost 1.5 inches!!!
  5. It was modelled to happen at 6 days, started to vaporize at 4 days, popped back up as Janice was giving her the update that NYC was getting 2 inches. This is not boxing day.
  6. I mean, a later phase is what we have been seeing nearly all day save for a NAM run. So that looks like the logical trend to shed light on the outcome. I don't see models all over the place with random solutions. There is a consistent theme.
  7. Let this run a bit...Keep an eye on the northern stream
  8. This could be a Jan 4 2018 type deal. Cold and windy (though not as cold). Not huge snows NYC/I-95. Interesting storm tho
  9. I heard there was dropsound sampling last evening in PAC. I wonder where this information was ingested.
  10. from inception, the number of days between when this thread started and the storm will exceed the duration of the snowpack from the storm for many. 50s plus next week.
  11. For sure no. It can miss one and still be overall superior. I am leaning Euro/Nam 60/40
  12. Not what we wanted to see at this range. I am not sure if there was extra data sampling in the Pacific, but that could mean this shift is real. I put more stock in this than the NAM. With all this divergence we aren't there yet in terms of the right solution.
  13. the northern stream looks quicker. Let's see what that means...but it will likely be east Trough orientation is more positively tilted...east
  14. I will remind old timers about the EE rule. When the Euro and ETA were in sync, it was deadly. For the youngins and as a reminder, the ETA is now the NAM. DT is the author of the EE rule, and also the weekend rule, which was uncanny for a long time how often they both worked out. Voodoo? Maybe....
  15. I live down there (here) so I am hopeful for something. I want to go to my VT camp but a) that may not be the jack, b) if I leave my wife to deal with 20 inches of snow, she will change the locks and arm herself.
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