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Everything posted by cleetussnow

  1. I was 5 at the time, and 80 miles west of there. Could have seen snow then just don't recall.
  2. Snowed at my house on the 9th/10th in Westchester. Walked my dog in the woods with leaf out and snowfall. I don't think I've ever seen May snow, even living Upstate NY for 22 years.
  3. What's up with this volcano in Indonesia? It has a 70K feet ash plume which is high enough, and the thing is equatorial, so those 2 are ingredients for weather impacts, no?
  4. The next time it snows over and under as well
  5. clouds kinda skunking it up here in midtown. It's dark out which is cool, but I can't see the thing through the special glasses I got. I did get to see some of it earlier.
  6. My buddy in manhattan said the glasses in his cabinet were lightly toasting each other…lol
  7. Appreciate you. Really.
  8. Thats where my head is. I know nothing about this stuff at all but I can’t be talked out of it.
  9. We will be in once this swarm of earthquakes pass.
  10. Nerds know nerdy things, other than that, no.
  11. Just got hit right now with another shake. I’d say that was half of the impact as the one earlier.
  12. Yeah I know what you mean. Those can be nasty
  13. Sheww. that was close tho.
  14. Rocked her world I guess.
  15. My dog - nothing. Cat slept. Freight train but nothing from those bums.
  16. How much for Philly? but seriously at my house, it felt like a freight train was going through my basement. Only way I can describe it.
  17. My wife was excited in like a happy way. I am effing freaked the eff out. Not gonna lie. Legit scart.
  18. Biggest one I ever experienced by far
  19. Holy shit! That was huge! over here in Hawthorne!
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