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Everything posted by Paleocene

  1. Flurries and a light dusting which even covered my street in Silver Spring. SICK
  2. Dumping rain at 33 ish in silver spring right now. Our snow hasn't washed away though. Win?
  3. We're holding steady at 30 degrees in Silver Spring just before 3pm. We didn't get much over 1.5" if that before the flip. Then it was sleet. Now it is plain rain, confirmed by sticking my hand out the window. However, some of that plain rain is freezing. Check out the white pine in my front yard - not usually that droopy.
  4. We've got rain mixing in with a few sleet pellets here in Silver Spring. Neighborhood roads are a mess. Temp at 30 dew 29. Some very mild icing visible on tree limbs.
  5. Sleet + snow mix in Silver Spring since about 1pm. Still holding at 29 degrees according to local weatherbug station, though. Traffic maps on google look atrocious speedwise if you haven't checked em yet. Edit: as i typed and submitted this, we lost the flakes. 100% sleet.
  6. Thicc phatties pouring down in Silver Spring. Still all snow.
  7. Moderate snow with a brisk icy wind here in Silver Spring. Neighborhood streets down for the count. Holding steady at 29 degrees. Great time to go for a walk!
  8. Lunch break after zoom meetings (AKA posting on this forum) all morning. Time for my jebwalk
  9. This is great to hear! still snowing 10 miles SE of me. Moderate snow in Silver Spring at 29 deg Neighborhood streets covered
  10. 29/28 near downtown silver spring. SN. Even accumulating on street (barely). No sleet detected yet!
  11. anybody in southern fairfax or PG? what's going on there
  12. Weatherbug at sligo creek elementary has me at 29 degrees. Still -sn, but flake size has increased here in Silver Spring
  13. 30/23 at my local weatherbug. -sn falling in silver spring!
  14. 32/28 in silver spring. Extremely light pixie dust flurries.
  15. 31/28 near downtown silver spring but nothing falling from the sky yet.
  16. Great weeniecams here on this site: https://www.511virginia.org/
  17. Same over here a few miles west, we're up from 29 to 31
  18. A nice toasty 30/28 here, above the mighty Sligo Creek, about a mile south of the beltway. Hoping I get to take a lunchtime walk in the snow, at least.
  19. Yikes that euro run is gross for the beltway crowd. March 2017 all over again...
  20. I thought that at first glance but the fine print at the bottom says lows historically verify... 75% of the time.. within those big yellow circles. So uh, that's a large error range.
  21. updated version of that map updated at 12z here: https://origin.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/wwd/lowtrack_circles.gif
  22. 35/26 in the 20910. Which is an anagram of 90210. There, it is 72/47. Why do I live here again?
  23. 12k nam holds the surface freezing line SE of 95 through 18z tomorrow. not bad. And, edit, 850's spike above freezing between 19z-23z tomorrow. All the way up to M/D line, but they crash after that.
  24. 38/21 in Silver Spring at my kid's elementary school. High clouds movin in. With less people commuting and less energy being expended at places of work and commerce due to the pandemic, the UHI effect will be lower, right?
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