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Everything posted by rclab

  1. Good morning iceman. Agree … so much for a misplaced decimal on the model output. Stay well, as always ….
  2. Good evening Brian. In 46 months I’ll be happy if I still can. Stay well, as always….
  3. Good evening SACRUS. Thank you for the daily summary. It seems when the warm season is demonstrating a cooler return, CPK’s forested weather stations 89’s turn into 79’s. Stay well as always….
  4. Good afternoon all. Rain and distance thunder now over the postage stamp. Stay well, as always ….
  5. Good evening ww the only thing I could suggest. …. “Call Roto-Rooter that’s the way and away go troubles down the drain.” Stay well as always…
  6. Perhaps, forky, you shouldn’t deny yourself. Head up that way on your own, perch yourself near the top of one of the extra dry pines, in lieu of matches bring an extra length metal rod and wait patiently. As always …..
  7. Good afternoon Ginx. Your descriptive writing talent is unquestioned ….. just please don’t let it extend to free hand drawing. Walk easy, stay well, as always ….
  8. Good morning Rob. Please don’t tell me that the crossing guards had pitchforks. Stay well and smoke free. As always …..
  9. Judging from his present location, if he’s in need, I’m sure he’ll find a hydrant his size. As always ….
  10. Good afternoon Cletus. Wonderful photo but you bad better notify Will that his pet got loose again. Stay well, as always ….
  11. Good Smokey afternoon Anthony. I’m up on my roof with the I Pad. I had to do a before and after. The smoke photo was taken today at 1:40pm. The clear photo was taken this past December.
  12. Good evening STORMANLI. You had the courage to say it first. I thought of the 1959 Platters hit. “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes”. Stay well, as always …
  13. Good afternoon Tip. Forgive my foundation of ignorance. If the Arctic waters are ice free for any period and continue to absorb heat ….. how will that affect the Canadian and Asian land shields regarding frozen precipitation. Would/could there be Arctic Ocean effect snows. Or will the ice free dynamic work differently, as the cold sunless season develops? Stay well, as always ..
  14. Good afternoon Tip. Remembering Soylent Green, I’m sure they’ll find a way. Stay well, as always ……
  15. Happy Birthday Rob. May you and your love be quality active while you enjoy the celebration of the tri-centennial, in the decade of your golden anniversary. Oh, and I have 55 years experience. As always ….
  16. Good morning Anthony. I salute your resilience. Now, I can’t stop humming a certain Rogers and Hammerstein optimism tune. Stay well, as always ….
  17. Good afternoon Anthony. Sounds like you’re working this weekend. Stay well, as always …..
  18. Good evening gravity. A man’s home is his castle. It’s good to hear that your throne is stable. As always….
  19. Her love keeps you warm and so it will extend to your vegetables. As always ….
  20. Good morning Rob. Even in the UHI tropics, I stuck to old family traditions and never planted non salad vegetables before Memorial Day. I remember hearing the refrain that tomatoes shiver when it’s in the 40’s. I’m pretty sure they were talking about the plant. Stay well and I pray your crop is bountiful. As always …..
  21. Don’t do it Will. It will only leave the rest of us sneezing and snorting in memoriam. Stay well and hopefully/eventually sinus dry. As always ….
  22. Good evening SRRTA22, Will. I believe Will is right. It could be the eastern cotton wood tree that, is a poplar. It exudes a cotton like fluff around the seed. I encountered it while in college in Arkansa 55 years ago. It looked like gently falling snow. Stay well, as always….
  23. Good afternoon Anthony. NYCW is putting to rhyme what is ‘a close to the end’ reality for some of us. My row house is shaded in the front by 80+ year old sycamore’s and the back of the house, is afternoon shaded by a 70 foot oak. Last summer I used only fans and felt it was enough even with the heat and humidity. It wasn’t even a question of frugality. Yet I will turn on the electric fireplace when I sit alone on a moist late spring night. I still love the cold weather. It’s my favorite time to power walk. It keeps my antique engine running to keep the inner sanctums warm. Your avatar is at peak body performance. All parts running and bubbling over with growth. As for myself and perhaps NYCW, we will cover and uncover as needed and stay warm by memory. Be well, as always….
  24. Good afternoon TB2013. I remember 60+ years ago hearing my father moaning about the crab grass on our just mowed front lawn. It was conservatively over 80%. My uncle who like my father was a child of the depression and very frugal said to him; “it looks fine! So you have a lawn of crab grass.” I being a typical ‘children should be heard as well as seen teenager’ piped up. “How can you say that, it’s all weeds.” My uncle looked at me and said; What color is cut grass?” I, of course, bemused, said green. My uncle then said what color is grab grass? I said green but …. Before I could utter one more word he said case closed. He slapped my father on the back and they both headed for the porch and had a beer. I never forgot that while doing that chore during the mowing/growing season. Thanks to your post I enjoyed the memory again. Stay well, as always …
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