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NNE Spring 2012


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Fluff! Ours is now evaporating by the minute. The sun broke out and in about 5 minutes the high ratio stuff just vanished from cars and sunny areas.

Thanks for the shots. I saw some others from Jay and you guys definitely got a couple more inches than Mansfield.

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Fluff! Ours is now evaporating by the minute. The sun broke out and in about 5 minutes the high ratio stuff just vanished from cars and sunny areas.

Thanks for the shots. I saw some others from Jay and you guys definitely got a couple more inches than Mansfield.

Man that hi res nam I posted a few days ago did a kick azz job! What were some summit amounts? 4-6"?

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Man that hi res nam I posted a few days ago did a kick azz job! What were some summit amounts? 4-6"?

Yeah I was thinking 4-4.5" as of 5pm yesterday. Prob added some fluff last night, I could envision 5-7" by now. Suns out now down here but the mountain has it's very localized flurry cloud over it. I got a couple pics I'll post tonight...it's literally only snowing below about 5k feet with blue sky above, and it's only snowing on Mansfield. It's like a 2-square mile stationary snow shower.

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It's amazing the changes in snow level when you look at the Spine of the Greens against other ranges nearby like the Worcesters. The Worcester Range is a 3000-3600ft ridge line stretching from Waterbury up through Stowe making up the eastern border of town, while the Spine makes up the west border. There's still snow in the shade down at 900ft and up at 1500ft on Mansfield it's completely covered with white hillsides all around. Then you look across the valley to the other side of town, and I don't see snow/white in the Worcesters until like 2500ft...at least a solid 1000ft higher than where the white line starts on Mansfield.

A good example of how steadier, heavier precip rates can lower the snow level locally, as well as upslope cooling to locally bring the temps down 1-2C from neighboring areas during times of precipitation.

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Love the story. Thanks for posting all this! I'm thinking of hiking Algonquin again next week. Hoping to see some white stuff but not expecting it though.

Glad you enjoyed the report; the family joined me yesterday for another ski tour at Stowe, and with the sun out, there were some great images of the new snow in the mountains. When we caught our first glimpses of Mt. Mansfield yesterday in the late morning, it was so brilliantly white that everyone in the car was stunned and we had to pull over for some pictures. I can’t really do it justice in a photo, but I added one of those shots below. I added a few more pictures from yesterday in a post the ski thread, and there’s a link there to some additional images in our website report. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was still snow in the area around Algonquin next week though, it’s a big peak at over 5,000’, and Mt. Mansfield still has almost 2 ½ feet of natural snow at 3,700’.


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Here are some photos from the last day or two...

The flowers down in the village were not pumped about the snow and freezing temperatures.


Yesterday morning's snow showers dusting the place with the classic upslope dendrites. Snow globe snow.


Mount Mansfield's private snow cloud once everyone else has gone to blue skies.



Changing seasons... a view of Nebraska Notch (the low point on the Spine at 1,500ft) just south of Mansfield.


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great pics as always

i do hope that when the snow days on the spine are over in mid-late may.....that i can impress showing that the whites deliver into june at 5k and up. :) may and early june are my top hike times for the whites......when it's 67 in conway, nh and 34 at 5200' on the glen boulder trail and snowing.

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great pics as always

i do hope that when the snow days on the spine are over in mid-late may.....that i can impress showing that the whites deliver into june at 5k and up. :) may and early june are my top hike times for the whites......when it's 67 in conway, nh and 34 at 5200' on the glen boulder trail and snowing.

Haha yeah dude... step it up and show us that it does in fact snow in the Whites ;) j/k

We'll have to meet up and do a hike this summer... that's a thought, a AMWX group hike.

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We are going to plummet tonight as the wind is going calm and there's not a cloud in the sky... and dew points are currently in the single digits!

Currently 42/8 here, while Saint Johnsbury is 44/7 and Saranac Lake is 41/8.

Lowest RH I can find in NY or VT is Springfield, VT with 50/9 for a RH of 19%.

These single digit dew points are going to allow temps to absolutely fall off a cliff here now that the sun is going down.

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Another coolish morning out there, bottoming out at 25. We've had seven straight mornings at 32F or less but little in the way of frost as they air has been very dry.

Spring colors, the other foliage season in full swing now.

That wind yesterday sure was something--relentless here anyway. I've been working in our woods a lot cutting firewood and still cleaning up all the blow-downs from the severe storm that raked us two summers ago. It was a dicey day to be in the woods with trees swaying, creaking, popping and groaning. Helmet weather. :pimp:

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Another coolish morning out there, bottoming out at 25. We've had seven straight mornings at 32F or less but little in the way of frost as they air has been very dry.

Spring colors, the other foliage season in full swing now.

That wind yesterday sure was something--relentless here anyway. I've been working in our woods a lot cutting firewood and still cleaning up all the blow-downs from the severe storm that raked us two summers ago. It was a dicey day to be in the woods with trees swaying, creaking, popping and groaning. Helmet weather. :pimp:

Same here with the lack of frost. As for the other foliage season, it always amazes me the number of variations of the color green we se this time of year.

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Mid-upper 20s IMBY this morning, but down to 19 yesterday - might be the latest in spring I've been under 20 (need to check my data from Ft.Kent.) Only the qualing aspen and maples have much for leaves at my place; the more tender ash and oak (and apple blossoms) haven't opened yet, so I think we've dodged this one. Nothing out in the mid range suggests a 2010-type mid-May freeze.

Saw lots of flakes Fri and a dusting Sat AM at Pittston Farm, NW of Moosehead, along with howling winds. Several blowdowns had been cut out of the Twenty-mile Road prior to our southward ride Sat aft. Only the aspen has any green up there, and not much. However, the pastels of spring are in full display in the AUG area, less spectacular than fall but no less pretty or diverse.

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BTV's map of April precipitation is below... very good upslope signature from two notable events. The first around April 10-11 that gave us 2" liquid in town and 4" on Mansfield (that event was an even 50% of both town/summit precip for the month).

Locally here in Stowe, precipitation ranged from 4" on the east side of town, to nearly 8" on the western border of town at 4,000ft on Mansfield's ridgeline. And judging by the other precipitation amounts around the Mansfield area and this general stretch of Greens from Bolton to Stowe, this geography obviously has a very significant effect on the local weather. All amounts in the towns surrounding this stretch of mountain (both east and west slopes) were >4".

BTV's comments:

"Mt. Mansfield had the most with 7.97" while Averill in the far northeast corner of Vermont had 1.43". The mean was 3.17"."

Aside from the VT upslope, what's also interesting to me is how in the Adirondacks, the north/west upslope brought more precipitation to a large area on the northern shelf of the 'Dacks. However, the "High Peaks" region (Essex County) which is further ESE from the upslope region, received much less precipitation than lesser terrain in the upslope region to the north and west of the High Peaks.

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0.39" IMBY, with a high yest of 41. Coolest daily max this April was 43. Reminds me of 2010, when I had 22 on 5/11 after April's monthy minimum was 23. First lawnmowing was Monday - never cut grass in April before at my current home.

April averaged 43.10 at my place, 2.30F above my 14-yr avg and 2nd mildest, though way behind 2010's 44.97. Highest was 79 on 4/16 and high mean 62 on 16th and 17th, the latter holding the mildest minimum at 45. Coldest was 16 on 4/1, low mean 31 and low max 43, both on 4/8. The 19 on 4/29 was indeed the latest sub-20 I've recorded; previous was 18 on 4/25/1985 in Ft.Kent.

Precip was 3.29", 1.13" below my avg. We're running -3.7" (74% of avg) for Jan-Apr.

Had four days with "T" snow, but no measurable, 3rd time in 14 yr w/o any April accum. Others were 1999 and 2009. Also had no days with 1" OG, and only 1999 also had no snowcover. (2009 carried considerable snowcover into April, not surprising given the 49" depth on 2/23 and 101" total.)

Still very gray here in AUG, though no precip since the dz earlier this morning. Wx doesn't look too promising until Sunday, though I'd take the 1" RA on 06z gfs as the rivers have dropped to well below median flows since the big raise of last week.

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Pretty 'blah' outlook for the next few days in the north country. It looks like all guidance keeps the warm front south of the region, allowing for an overall decrease in max temps for the Thursday through Friday period.

Probably variably cloudy through Saturday with some more breaks in the mid and high level clouds in the valleys Friday and Saturday. Prior guidance advertised highs near or just above 70F for Friday-Saturday, but with the stalling of the warm front, I wouldn't be surprised to see most of northern VT near 65F, while northern NH and western Maine are stuck in the middle and upper 50s, with even cooler conditions farther east.

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Does anyone believe NAM's advertised inches of rain for us Friday and Saturday? About .70" from this past event.

There's going to be some frontogenesis where the WF sets up, but we will NOT get 2-3" of rain..the GFS also has an enhanced area of precip north and east of the WF, so some enhanced precip seems probable...may 0.5"-1.0" max?

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As soon as the grass dries out, I'll be right behind ya.

Which might a while by the looks of things. ;)

Only 0.09" last night but it's quite damp out there today as the drizzle drizzles, fo' shizzle.

I figured that Monday might be my only chance for a while so I forced myself to do it. I would have preferred to avoid April mowing but my schedule would not allow fo a delay.

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0.35" last night. Once again, it sounded like more hitting the roof but the bucket don't lie. ;)

Murky this morning things look to brighten as the weekend progresses.

Had our first blackflies of the season yesterday and the wood thrushes and white-thoated sparrows are back. Signs of spring!

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0.35" last night. Once again, it sounded like more hitting the roof but the bucket don't lie. ;)

Murky this morning things look to brighten as the weekend progresses.

Had our first blackflies of the season yesterday and the wood thrushes and white-thoated sparrows are back. Signs of spring!

Yea same here. Had 0.31" but it sounded heavier! Lol

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