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About andyhb

  • Birthday March 18

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Norman, OK
  • Interests
    Severe Wx, Music, Sports

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  1. One of the best places in North America is burning to the ground as we speak (Jasper AB).
  2. Tornado moving directly into downtown Chicago near 290 right now, jesus christ.
  3. Outbounds are maxed out for the segment near Kewanee, not dissimilar from the Cedar Rapids MCV in the 8/10 derecho.
  4. Tomorrow's threat is legit in Upstate NY and Central PA, Beryl has already been a prolific tornado producer.
  5. Great catch for a TC chase. The dry air aloft that interfered with Beryl's redevelopment in the Gulf definitely helped these things yesterday and the hodographs were quite favorable for long lived/cyclic supercells.
  6. Nevermind yes, looked like it stayed barely off the coast. Otherwise it probably would've been another Gilbert for them.
  7. Extensive, high end wind damage on Carriacou. Many, many structures with roofs torn off and a good number that are completely destroyed, near complete vegetation loss.
  8. Carriacou and Union Island are getting absolutely smashed right now. For reference, this is perhaps the most powerful hurricane to ever affect this portion of the Windward Islands. The catastrophic 1780 hurricane was likely more intense, but it passed further north with a direct hit on Barbados. Only Ivan and (less so) Janet are comparisons in the modern era. Utterly insane for this to be happening on July 1st.
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