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Everything posted by jburns

  1. You've averaged less than two posts a month over the past eight years. If you want to participate fully please do so. If you want to simply lurk and read that is fine as well. What is not a good look is basically being a lurker and then suddenly trying to control what others post.
  2. I've been studying the weather for 55 years. No, you don't.
  3. OK, with the quotes that makes three times. Now what do you want, I was taking a nap?
  4. New theorem proposal. Anytime a model, no matter how far out, has the snow line through Raleigh it should be taken seriously.
  5. I don't know about that. All my calendars still have January before February. Good luck though!
  6. Glad to hear your wife is doing well. Wishing you a boring 2019.
  7. Feels pretty good here. 66º at the moment and my weed yard is definitely beginning to green up. Low heating bill on the way. My big screen TV alone is enough to heat my den.
  8. Another year has gone. Happy New Year
  9. I don't think adding teams is a viable option. If you think yesterday's games were a farce how about Bama vs #8, Clemson vs #7. The other two first week matchups 3 vs 6, and 4 vs 5 might be ok games but everyone knows Bama and Clemson await. And we would still have to go through the two games we went through yesterday before we get to the big one. I'd be careful what I wish for.
  10. Well, I've moved up another place. BREAKING The oldest man in the US dies
  11. I'm Clarance, your guardian angel and you just screwed everyone in the Southeast. Winter is over. Ding, ding. Every time you hear a bell a forum member gets banned.
  12. What a difference a week makes. Last Sunday 31º with snow. Today partly cloudy and 60º.
  13. Dude, just say it was more than you expected and let it go.
  14. With a yearly total like that it is somewhat surprising to see there were four months below normal.
  15. If you live north of 85, It is so good to be alive. But if you happen to live below, You'll never see a flake of snow. (and I don't care how many squirrels, woolly worms, birds, fogs in August, or any other damn thing. 85 rules.)
  16. It is a nice photo. you may like the original better but I took a moment to remove the blue cast. Cameras often have trouble with white balance in snow scenes.
  17. I'll tell you what. You go and find the post or posts of any moderator that was talking about Jim Cantore's height and I will discipline them severely. I'll wait.
  18. It's an obs thread. The storm brought Jerry into the forum. I observed this and commented.
  19. Look who the snow brought in. Hey, grandpa. Hope you're doing well.
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