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About Met1985

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    Haywood county Crabtree area 3500'

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  1. Nice! Feels like late Fall then. Heavy clouds here in southern Haywood.
  2. Looks like the cold front is knocking at our door.
  3. This weekend is looking straight out of Fall.
  4. Same time as yesterday and the temp is down to 63 degrees. Had a high of only 68. Not bad to the first of September.
  5. Had a low of 54. Not bad for a cloudy night at the beginning of September.
  6. Temp down to 68 already. Should see the 49s tomorrow morning.
  7. Madison is having some fireworks as well.
  8. Finally getting some big storms popping.
  9. We are finally going to see a big time cool down and some much needed rainfall.
  10. Yeah we've had some rain around us in Hazelwood but that's it. Nice cloud cover to beat back the temps. Fall will be knocking on the door next week.
  11. Finally getting some nice pop up storms.
  12. It's extremely early in the season for the first of September but the indices are falling in place as well to see a significant cool down or early Fall weather...
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