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Everything posted by jburns

  1. Hurricanes are rated by ground level winds.
  2. You might be correct. Who wouldn't want to spend a week or two in the tropics without electricity? You are not Josh. You saw a bit of footage and made a general assumption. It doesn't work like that. You are like the three blind men trying to describe an elephant. One grabbed the trunk and said it was like a big snake. The second grabbed a leg and said it was like a tree. The third felt its side and said it was like a wall.
  3. They are staying in the major hotels in the best-built part of the country. They have not ventured out very far from their base at this point. You need to stop downplaying this until we get a more widespread assessment of the damage. I hope you are correct but my gut tells me you are not. Let's wait and see before you end up like Shepard Smith.
  4. And we have a winner. You can post again beginning at 6:06 pm Thursday.
  5. Here's some data for you. 100% of posters who continue this crap after I warn them to stop get several days off. Stop.
  6. The names are where you messed up. Instead of Charles and Amelia Goose it should have been Cooked and Stuffed. *Please do not show Judy this post. lol
  7. I used to do wild foraging in clubs and bars but that was a long time ago. I found some pretty tasty morsels.
  8. Well, the ants are only one training phase. Being a mod in PR demands advanced training. Here is a rare video of one of the training sessions.
  9. You know it has been a disaster of a winter when you haven't even had any virga storms to speak of.
  10. I have one mound of fire ants. I keep it for a reason. Every morning I go outside naked and roll around on the mound to prepare myself for moderating in the political forum.
  11. We are basically in a spring pattern now. Wide swings in temperature over a several day period. Rinse and repeat with each being a bit warmer as the weeks go by.
  12. Not anymore. A black bear wandered into my yard while I was shoveling the driveway. Luckily, I had my pocket knife with me and after a twenty-minute battle I managed to kill it. I then skinned it and I'm using the skin as a coat. Sliced some thick steaks from the hind quarter so I'll have something for dinner. Still, it isn't right to not check on a helpless old man during and after a snowstorm.
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