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Everything posted by jburns

  1. If you get 30" I'll have Scottie beam me over there to enjoy it.
  2. Why? This was my 2/2004.
  3. And that is an unusual occurrence. I was surprised to see the "snow" word 6 days out as well.
  4. Very little is certain. Not sure why you think 28-30 would cause a change.
  5. Here's something you don't see very often. A parade of hook echoes across SE Georgia.
  6. Keeping this thread was never the issue. It's the next ten.
  7. Cashiers check sure. I'll leave it to my son in the will.
  8. You would think that but the reality is something else. The mid-range discussion simply gets moved to the storm thread, because it is mid-range at this point, and the regular mid-range thread goes almost silent. Hopefully, this storm will verify but most do not. It leads to multiple gaps in coverage inside the mid-range thread. If someone in the next few years comes back in research something it makes things difficult. You end up having to look at 20 storm threads to find the one or two that actually occurred and there is no continuity in the mid and long range threads.
  9. Indeed. It also seems we have forgotten that starting storm threads 6 days out ends up with a forum that contains 20 storm threads 18 of which fizzled out before a first flake. I hate to do it but for the sake of the forum going forward, I am thinking about banning this storm.
  10. I put no stock in any long-range forecast that has snow in Raleigh. Raleigh usually doesn't know if it will be rain or snow an hour before precipitation starts.
  11. Just saw this. Don't get too excited. Computer generated food tastes like crap.
  12. I'm hearing reports of a Christmas tree shortage this year. They say it is a result of the 2008 recession when fewer trees were planted by tree farmers. Trees planted around then are the ones being harvested this year. Some cut your own farms are reportedly not even opening this year. Have any of you mountain folk heard anything about this?
  13. This year, I've decided to go against the grain and be optimistically cautious.
  14. Oh my God!!!! That means the sun is going dark.
  15. I thought today was a nice day. I used my leaf blower this afternoon wearing jeans and a short sleeve golf shirt and I was comfortable. I will agree with you on the 90s.
  16. Well researched, well presented, and well explained. A multitude of kudos upon you.
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