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Everything posted by jburns

  1. Just 0.90" since midnight. Three day total stands at 7.95". I thought I heard the wind picking up but it turned out to be the sound of my weed yard growing.
  2. That sucks. Sorry to hear it. I fared better last night. No new water came in. This is only the second time in my 20 years in this house that any water has entered at all. Last year with Michael and this time. It seems my worry point is 4 plus inches in three hours or less with no lulls. As soon as the rain lessens a bit it stops.
  3. Looks like I'm finished with the rain for today. Two day total of 7.05". Now to see what tomorrow brings.
  4. Mine would. I have a deep cycle battery and a converter just in case. With age comes wisdom.
  5. Should be good as long as you don't lose power.
  6. Did that last night. Looking a bit better here tonight, at least so far.
  7. These are basically tropical downpours.
  8. At the moment lots of small areas of precip here but even those give heavy rain for 5 or 10 minutes before moving over. For instance, I just got 0.12" in about 6 minutes. It looks as if they are now beginning to expand and coalesce well before the already large areas of precip to the south move into the area. Time to batten down the hatches for later this evening and tonight.
  9. 4.74" was my total for the day. Almost all since 7pm. Still raining but I think I am about to get a break.
  10. Well, that escalated quickly. Pouring now with 2.35" so far. My Vantage Pro message at the bottom of the screen says it's raining cats and dogs.
  11. It's been raining for most of the day here but light and somewhat on and off. Only 0.41" so far.
  12. Nice looking bait. Did you catch any fish?
  13. It's not often you see a site with a reasonably long obs history have a high 10º above the record.
  14. Enjoy. A string of 90 degree days are on the way beginning late next week. Upper 80s this weekend. Let the fun begin.
  15. I don't want you to think this is being ignored but I have no idea what you are talking about.
  16. FYI, Reporting John Wow in a storm thread probably is a waste of time. Even more than once.
  17. It's what we do now. Things that used to be just a bad weather day have become state of emergencies. The news blares headlines about 80 million people being in the path of severe weather or a bomb cyclone is about to rake the nation. I can't find a local TV news outlet where the anchor just gives the news instead of delivering a dramatic reading. There is no doubt we have magnitudes of information above a generation ago. Too bad 90% of it is bullshit and hype.
  18. Just to update this for the record, Hurricane Michael has been upgraded to a Category 5 storm at landfall. https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/19/weather/hurricane-michael-upgraded-category-5/index.html (CNN)Hurricane Michael, which barreled into the Florida Panhandle in October, was actually a Category 5 storm when it hit the coast, scientists at the National Hurricane Center said Friday. A post analysis shows the storm was stronger than originally thought, with winds at landfall estimated at 160 mph -- making Michael one of only four Category 5 hurricanes to touch down in the US, according to the scientists. The storm was originally designated as a Category 4, with 155 mph winds, when it made landfall on October 10 near Mexico Beach and Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida, the hurricane center said in a statement.
  19. That sucks but better now than mid-August.
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