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Everything posted by jburns

  1. Just because I'm old doesn't mean I don't have an imagination. Anyone else see the green Godzilla carrying a big blue fish with a green tail?
  2. lol Glad to know I wasn't hearing things. They cut right back to the studio.
  3. She's a beaut, Clark. Some rain here at the end has compacted and moistened my snow. There's also about an inch of slush under the snow. I won't be shoveling it, that's for sure.
  4. Here is an unusual storm ob. Did anyone else hear Cantore say over the air, "Are you there? My battery is dead. G*d damn it"?
  5. Your son is quite a bit bigger than he was on our VA chase. Time is speeding up.
  6. It's good to hear you say that. That's when our betting contest we set up in the "Winter 2018-2019" Speculation thread begins. It seems a shame to waste such a good storm in autumn but nature does what nature does.
  7. Freezing rain mixed with some sleet. That can stop any time it wants. The sooner the better.
  8. Just took this. Same deck as in my Feb 2004 shots. Not near as much this time but closing in on 8".
  9. He reports lots of moisture coming in from Kelsey's ocean.
  10. Stop the arguing. I'm getting tired of deleting posts and am about to start deleting posters.
  11. There is a thread for venting. This isn't it,
  12. My wife just said that all we need is wine and toilet paper.
  13. I'll be outside for a good part of the day.
  14. Won't bother me. I'm more excited about getting a decent snow in broad daylight for a change.
  15. Another reason to not start a storm thread when low is closer to Tokyo than it is to Atlanta.
  16. Good move. rofl 33º here now. It dropped quickly after dark.
  17. Let's not start arguing. If you post a contrary forecast you need to back it up with sound reasoning or I will delete your posts.
  18. Agreed. My ranking of winter precip. 1. SNOW!!!! 2. Sleet 3 Freezing rain .2" or less 4 Raining and 33º 5 Freezing rain .25" or more
  19. Just remember, without Bricks you can't build a decent ****house.
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