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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. Where did the 2” amounts happen? I’m still west of the city and I’d say it’s generally an inch, maybe slightly less. I can understand 0.4” for the airport though. Edit: I saw i95 got covered for a bit, so they definitely had some heavier snow than I saw over that way. Weird. Guess I was unlucky.
  2. Nice heavier snow for awhile now. Maybe get to an inch on the usual places like mulch and grass, whatever leaves are still around from fall because they haven’t been removed…
  3. Getting a brief snow tv for a few minutes here. No accumulation, but I did wake up to the sound of thunder this morning, which was cool.
  4. Hopefully after this it can get be warm and keep the bugs to a minimum. I’m excited to hopefully see some flakes tomorrow though, so warmth can wait a little longer. Edit: and it’s spring break, so what isn’t there to enjoy?
  5. Just had a really big windy rain. Definitely heard some trees break outside. Probably gusted to 50mph Also, the long image above broke the page on mobile, I had to go to the previous page to post this.
  6. I’m ready to grade this winter whatever I gave last year, maybe less, and move onto the warmer weather, maybe some thunderstorms and stuff. Skip the pollen though…
  7. Is this going to be another where we won’t reach the lowest amount expected in the advisory? Edit: It will be funny to see SE Virginia double (or more) our snow amount for the year.
  8. Winter Storm Watch, they are saying 3-5, which aligns with the NAM somewhat.
  9. I think that’s as of a few hours ago or so, because there’s now EC-fast listed, which wasn’t there yesterday.
  10. Not 20, have reached that point too.
  11. Well, I’m going even bolder, and calling that we get nothing frozen. (In hopes that I’m wrong, but you know where we live so…)
  12. Rates have been decent since my last message, and the grass is turning colors now. I’m going to stop posting because it slows down when I do… And I’ve got work to do.
  13. Yeah, it doesn’t seem to be sticking to mulch here. But, i’m looking from quite far away.
  14. Aaaaand…. Back to light again. I guess a dusting at most to be expected?
  15. Some heavier snow now, seems like a small burst though.
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