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Everything posted by Matthew70

  1. It’s falling in line with the Euro. Only difference is the precip. Euro has a known bias of being too dry. We shall see.
  2. Dry & cold just sucks. No other way to put it. Especially when it’s going to be this cold. Give me warmth over dry & cold.
  3. Same here. Older I get the less tolerance for cold I have. If it turns out dry & this kinda cold. My patience will be tested. I will definitely be saying come on spring .
  4. I always wonder why those cotton pickin things go off at night only. Mine always do it in middle of night.
  5. Sad to see after this cold blast it warms up for a chilly rain. 44-50. TWC says Jan. thaw all month.
  6. So we might be looking at the west getting cold & here we have a few days of cold then back to near normal?
  7. I would think some pretty high ratios also. That’s some ridiculously cold air rushing in.
  8. I would believe that if there is any moisture such as rain before that front, it would flash freeze once the front goes through.
  9. I’m hoping to see some clown maps soon. If it’s going to be that cold please at least let there be snow on the ground. Dry & brown does not work for Santa’s sleigh.
  10. Very sorry to hear this. I hope you you & your wife get better & continue healing. I understand rough year. I still suffer with long Covid. Have good days & bad days. Cough will never go away. I’m alive though. Let’s hope 2023 is a great year for everyone! Here is to a white Christmas if it’s going to be very cold. Put he’s cold air to use.
  11. In my opinion the GFS is not bi polar its schizophrenic. I have seen data showing that the GFS verification scores were not as good as the other models. That was before this latest update. Maybe I read them wrong but one run the GFS is like the other models then the next run it’s not. Yet the other models with their support have been steady for several runs now. Maybe you are right but word on street is the GFS is a disaster right now. Of course believing any model past 5 days is risky to say the least.
  12. Question I have is why would they update or upgrade to another version that was worse? Why not fix the kinks before updating or upgrading?
  13. I hope everyone has a wonderful & Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for this great forum. To everyone that contributes I am very thankful & appreciate you all!
  14. Not sure if right thread but we know the MS river is very low & dry. Now we have the fire dangers starting. This is near Rockwood off I40 tonight.
  15. Next weekend looks quite January ish temp wise. Then following week rain with highs in low 50’s here in mid state. Enjoy this next week. That’s the forecast now.
  16. The wx temp wise has been perfect. Only thing wrong is only a little over half inch of rain since Sept. 1st here. That is trouble leading into the season of leaves falling. Add in the much lower humidity with cooler temps. From wet to dry just like shutting off a valve.
  17. It’s getting extremely dry going into a season of leaves falling.
  18. Unfortunately the worse flash flooding I have seen in this area in a long long long time. Trees down & many houses around us have water in their homes now. Update. Rain has stopped but recorded by neighbors close to 7” of rain. Cars were stalled in front of our neighborhood. Pools are overflowing & drains being pulled to help let out water. Crawl spaces flooded in lower part of our neighborhood. Snakes are being seen everywhere where flood waters have brought them in.
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