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Everything posted by Matthew70

  1. Well, one thing is for certain it appears it’s going to be very wet beginning of February.
  2. Well, let’s also remember this weeks Storm was showing up on models consistently at 7 to 8 days out for the I44 area.
  3. Same here outside Nashville. The winds have been less than 20-25mph.
  4. Somehow I believe that prediction will have a high chance of verifying . Warm winters & cold springs are almost guaranteed here anymore.
  5. I just feel this is a winter of kicking the can down the road. D10+ out. I hope to eat crow.
  6. Not going to lie. I hope that warmup is the 3rd-5th. My daughter has a soccer showcase tournament in Gatlinburg that weekend. Wx like today would be much appreciated!
  7. The GFS has definitely lost all its screws. Tonight it will be the complete opposite.
  8. As far as birds & animals acting strange. Let’s hope it’s not any ice or earthquakes!
  9. My yard is definitely coming alive, and the butter cups are coming up along with other things starting to Greenup in the mulch beds.
  10. Is the CMC really reliable? Seems no wx offices ever mention it.
  11. That’s amazing & beautiful. Looks like a hurricane. Did the GFS not model a hurricane recently?
  12. I hope all of you in the favored areas get a hefty dose of snow! Please share pics.
  13. Hopefully severe is not as severe as before. That was just brutal with the wind. I like winter but the older I get I prefer cold but not the kinda cold we just had. Luckily it was during the holidays so I did not have to get out in it. If this next cold spell does happen. I will have to actually get out in it. Unless someone would like to volunteer for me.
  14. Congratulations Jax! Glad to see them beat my Titans. Put them out of their misery. Your Jags will win the division next few years no doubt. Loaded at all positions on offense. Titans have a few years of rebuilding. Gut this team & start over.
  15. Mine is green. Now my bushes that’s a whole different story.
  16. Is it right the long range forecast temps? That is the question but 50s & 60s till at least the 21st is unbelievable in January. At this rate we will be very + departure from average for January. Only a couple nights below freezing shown. This Nina is stinking it up.
  17. My yard was rough but this week the warmer temps have awakened the fescue. It’s as green as ever. At this rate mowing will be here in February.
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