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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. The atmosphere just seems to be primed for snow. It's been snowing here all morning, you wouldn't see this kind of stuff if just a front was coming through. This reminds me of the PRE before TC landfalls.
  2. Might rival Jan 96 for widespread 20 inch amounts
  3. oh sounds like the Millenium storm, that one had the mix line right near the center too
  4. dude it's already snowing here on Long Island
  5. Think we'll beat our record for consecutive hours of snowfall? Mine is 36 hours.
  6. ACY is going to have over 30 inches of snow in JANUARY at the end of this lol, they already have over 17 in the month, it will blow away the old record of 20 in JANUARY.
  7. I'll turn you into a NAM believer yet. It does the best when it counts the most, it's the definition of a clutch hitter.
  8. Snowman19 will be on vacation out of the country for the foreseeable future.
  9. Does the GFS have the 30-40 inch snowfall in SE MA? I mean either way it's a historic event, the only difference is who it's historic for.
  10. How much of a difference is there? 20 miles? Also, see JAN 2016, the NAM led the way and has proven to the best model with the biggest storms. We just have to get within its deadly range.
  11. Is there really that much of a gap in terms of storm placement between the models? Remember the NAM led the way with JAN 2016 too, it generally does the best with the biggest storms.
  12. Or just go with 10:1 in which case the 46 magically becomes 30 so 3" of liquid on the Jersey Shore as snow wow, this is what Jan 2016 was for us.
  13. Snowman19 isn't just going to take a vacation from the forum if this verified, he'll likely leave the country for the rest of the winter lol. The only time I've seen a map like this was for the Blizzard of 1888, except the 40 plus inch totals were then up in CT and upstate NY
  14. I get those confused lol, I knew it was either 6 or 12 haha. Jan 2016 might have been 12 and Feb 2017 might have been 6. Jan 2018 I dont remember at all. Which was the one where there was a white out all day and you couldn't see anything outside and Boston set their surge record?
  15. Thats why I consider Jan 2016 a super blizzard JFK met blizzard criteria for six straight hours so it was a 2x blizzard.
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