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  1. Past hour
  2. Getting increasingly concerned for significant heat mid month. Wholesale telecon collapse in all major ensemble systems wet PNA possible even a mode reversal and the distant “probability Horizon” of the operational runs are starting to pick up on the scaffolding for southwest heat release timing well with that numerical suggestion above.
  3. 1.89" east of Easton, 3.80" west of Easton
  4. I had to add an extra step to those instructions for it to work. I changed the x to twittter but didn’t get the paste as plain text message. So I hit the back key and closed out the post. Then hit post again and pasted and got the post as plain text message and then it worked. Been hearing this issue is happening to many forums across the web following twitter changing to X. I thank everyone for the suggestions and am glad I got it to work with the extra step I added.
  5. This is too good not to share. From June 2 in Texas. It is a thing of beauty in its way but if I had actually been there, I never would never have thought that. Laura Hedien who took the video only got 11 comments about on Twitter. How can that be? https://x.com/lhedien/status/1797446848480739825 It looks much better on a phone if you go horizontal and let the image stretch out and breathe.
  6. Update, 100 degrees, 78 dewpoint, feels like 118. This is very hot for early June down here. We topped out at 101 degrees, with 79 dewpoints. That's about a 118 to 120 heat index.
  7. Where do I need to move to have a summer of today? Naples, ME? Further up and in?
  8. A reprieve is on the way Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  9. I'm not a big heat fan myself, but I honestly think some of you are in denial, no offense. There isn't a single variable that will lead to the avoidance of a death ridge this year. Check out the SSTs/OHC in the Gulf/SE region. Speaks for itself.
  10. Today
  11. Tonight's withering band of Iowa sloppy seconds looks like that will be it for the foreseeable future for meaningful rainfall. After a fairly wet Mar-May we were due for a long dry stretch however. Picked up 0.04" of anvil rain earlier.
  12. Yes I'll say it we can use rain. Not downpours. How's tomorrow looking for some rain?
  13. That storm is finally starting to die out!!!
  14. I wasn't sure whether to like, laugh...or thank you for your reply. You can see which I chose.
  15. Wicked supercell passed just west of Dryden Ontario earlier. Quite the storm setup going on.
  16. Was in SWRI today Holy heck on the white winter moth Damage to Beeches
  17. And those nickel and dimers would do little to help now. If it is not going to rain 1/2-1" per week in June and July, the grass is toast. We cannot all live in Marysville!
  18. Heard that. I have not mowed for 15 days. Not close to needing it...yet. All of the nickel and dimers that @Mount Joy Snowman has gotten over the past week or so have missed me. It's dry.
  19. With the rust does the whole tree discolor at the same time usually? And thanks
  20. Active tornado warnings for radar indicated rotation with the QLCS moving through the Florida parishes (N of New Orleans in E Louisiana. The same QLCS has several severe warnings in LA/MS
  21. Warm and humid today. No rain. High of 90. Dew points climbed into the low 70's.
  22. Not right now. An entire month of -3F seems absolutely unfathomable. 86F here in the valley today. Average high is 71F.
  23. My grass, which is turning to straw despite having a lot more rain than many, is calling it something. I just mowed and 2/3 of it really had not grown so mower on the shelf for now. Looks like MDT scored a 90 as did I. Will wait for MDT to make sure it is not an 89.
  24. Scattered stms moving in from the S ahead of the front. Fogbank on the lake with the warmer, humid air interacting with the cooler waters. Stronger downdrafts from stms love to push that fog inland on gusty winds this time of year, or it will get pulled in from the strong updrafts of approaching stms from the W.
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