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Everything posted by WxWatcher007

  1. Yep, been watching that one. Looks like a hook trying to form now on reflectivity.
  2. When you have the out of region heavy hitters watching and posting, you know you have something legit on your hands. These early cells look intense. Still watching that one west of Hagerstown. Hail look to that one now with another big cell developing north just over the MD/PA border.
  3. I'd watch the cell west of Hagerstown too. Some broad rotation has been consistent.
  4. Aside from the mod risk, that’s a massive area with enhanced risk along the east coast.
  5. It has been a very good summer. Aside from the rain, maybe nothing high end, but it has been active, which I’d prefer over one interesting day and boring all the rest (unless it’s tropical)
  6. Meanwhile, we’ll whine about temps and dews. I’m such a weenie. I literally went on a 5,000 mile storm chase a month ago and had two FF events imby and I want more. I’m ill.
  7. Yeah, I don’t think this is one of those days where cloud cover throws a big wrench into things. Like EJ said earlier, I think it’s more likely the soundings are oriented a little differently than initially proved but don’t see evidence of that either currently. It’s a hurry up and wait kind of day.
  8. They actually have to produce but man what a day it could be down there. I was just in DC
  9. Honest to God can’t believe DC got high end severe 48 hours before I arrived and has a moderate risk 72 hours after I leave. I’m cursed
  10. Yes, definitely a three until Ellinwood cancels his chase or EJ goes all in. Literally mirroring a moderate risk lol.
  11. Oh there’s an EML on the table tomorrow? That would explain it I think. I’ve been so busy I admittedly haven’t looked deeply.
  12. Can I ask a dumb question? Is it possible the 45% for DC is partially based on what you all saw last week? As in, we see a stronger wind forecast this time given what the last setup produced?
  13. I wouldn’t ignore the fact that it’s not a more “trusted” tropical model. I do think it’s useful to see a modest signal for TC genesis on the ensembles, but it doesn’t look like a strong signal for a development window, which is obviously the first step.
  14. It’s not much, but there could be a window for some W Atlantic development in the next 7-10 days with a weak signal on the ensembles. There are waves out there, it’s just tough sledding for anything to pop right now.
  15. Today was pretty fantastic. Noticing the earlier darkness now and that’s a little sad, but soon football, fall, and tropical will be here.
  16. Totally agree. I think the 15-31st period is critical.
  17. It’s August 3rd lol. It’s usually dead around this time. Rather than focusing on that, I think it’s more instructive to note that despite some objectively favorable windows, the basin did not produce. I think you could say that in a season where the tenor is active, 96L & 97L probably would have developed. That said, Don overperformed. I think August 15-31 is as critical a period for the overall season as any August window in recent memory. Without significant activity there, I think it’d be hard for the AN forecasts to verify given the niño. I still don’t think this is a cut and dry BN season yet given the mix of active and inactive signals. I think I’d lean slightly below normal currently, but normal and slightly above seem reasonable forecasts to me as well right now.
  18. Would love to get up to Camden Yards someday.
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