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Everything posted by hudsonvalley21

  1. 14 was the low here. Forecast high is 49 for today, I don’t think it will get there currently 32 and cloudy. 12z runs came in colder with a uptick in accumulations. Maybe we get warning criteria amounts tomorrow. I won’t check the snowblower till tomorrow, don’t want to jinx it.
  2. 0.5 will do it here. We move on to the Next event Monday night/Tuesday.
  3. Light snow currently falling with a quick dusting on all surfaces. 19/12
  4. Maybe a little test for the snowboard this week.
  5. Definitely a concern. We need the snowpack, especially by the reservoirs.
  6. Sorry to hear, hopefully it’s only fractured. Well wishes for a speedy recovery.
  7. -1 for the low here. A lot of small branches down. My hot tub cover was blown off and tossed 20 feet and the inside of the cover froze to the grass. Highest wind gust recorded at KSWF yesterday was 48.
  8. 6 degrees currently with a snow shower that has put down a dusting
  9. Currently 18 here. Imagine being on top of Mt. Washington
  10. DCA _ NYC _ BOS __ ORD _ ATL _ IAH ___ DEN _ PHX _ SEA 2.1 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.8. 1.1 0.2 -1.4 -0.8
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