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Everything posted by lee59

  1. Ended up with .32 inch of rain.
  2. Line weakened as it went thru here, some thunder and lightning and .18 of an inch of rain. Raining lightly.
  3. Not saying it is, but it almost looks like a derecho.
  4. May have first heat wave of the year here this week.
  5. Today not to bad, mid 80s. After the heat coming up, next week looks pleasant.
  6. 64 my low. Already above 80.
  7. Hit 86 here today, now down to 68. Some suburbs already approaching 60 but the UHI in full effect with Central Park and Newark in the upper 70s
  8. .75 inch of rain early this morning.
  9. Only 81 for a high today, .05 inch of rain. Now 72 feeling better than the last few nights.
  10. I don't know why anyone would be against clean energy. I think what people are saying is we have to keep using oil until we can sustain some kind of life style that people will except, without it.
  11. First let me say I believe our climate is getting more mild, the facts show it. However, I agree, most times when some extreme weather event happens it always goes back to climate change, like extreme events never happened before.
  12. Yes, at least the next week or so looks pretty much normal, even some cool nights inland. Those cool nights will feel good.
  13. Looks like some of the inland areas could see some pleasant nighttime temperatures coming up
  14. Ended up with .90 here
  15. Just when it looks to be ending it starts back up. Not a lot of wind, some thunder and up to .79 of an inch.
  16. .40 of an inch in 10 minutes, still raining
  17. Heavy rain starting here
  18. That 1942 report of more than 30 inches of rain in 6 hours is incredible.
  19. That looks good. It also looks like your roof is one you can walk on without to much trouble, that's nice.
  20. Yea that would be good for the wind readings. The problem is, if you are not one willing to go up that high, (and it is dangerous) if something has to be replaced. Davis is a good instrument. I have both the Vantage Pro 2 and Vantage Vue.
  21. You might be able to do it yourself. What kind of station?
  22. .97 of an inch here today, vast majority of it this morning.
  23. .86 of much needed rain in a short period of time.
  24. Amazing its the same thing every day, New Jersey to about the city and very little further east
  25. Yes I can always see it from my area but seldom get rain from it, I am just a little to far south.
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