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Everything posted by BxEngine

  1. This forum (and its former) have a history of people making claims of absolutes, all in the name of pushing back against wishcasting. One only needs to read the first few pages of nearly every single winter month thread going back a decade to find “the season is over”, “the pattern doesnt support snow”, etc...and yet here we are, with one of our snowiest decades in a long time. While the wishcasting and snow goggles are incredibly annoying, some of us find the posts by supposedly intelligent people who are only here to troll or try to be first to claim they had a bad pattern right much worse in the grand scheme of things. Especially when everyone here is supposedly of an age where acting like an asshole is typically frowned upon outside of ps4 games.
  2. Of course. I only had time to respond to part of it while playing in my snow that didnt happen.
  3. To be fair, the rest of the reaity check is: this was also the only place that had numerous people claim this was going to be a cutter without redevelopment, that no one in the entire metro would see more than 1/2” (im sitting at 4 right now), and that we had already written off december in middle november. The pessimists only see the obnoxious optimistic posts and respond, and the optimists only see the contrarian pessimistic posts and respond.
  4. So i made the amateur mistake of not cutting my grass lower so the snows look heavier during situations such as this. Almost 3” on the boards, looks like a coating on my tall grass
  5. Cant tell if thats a good thing or not...
  6. It went from mood flakes to consistently moderate snow about 45 minutes ago, about an inch last hour or so.
  7. Over 2”, or roughly a lot more than i was told to expect.
  8. Moderate snow now, not home to check the boards yet but secondary roads snow covered already.
  9. I wonder where the people who claim storms wont happen due to “climo” go when south of the nyc metro is modeled to get more snow than us. Its curious.
  10. I measured .3975. Coulda gotten more accurate but irishrob says its not necessary.
  11. Good thing they brined the roads friday. Gave us an extra 3 minutes before the roads went to shit.
  12. Tend to agree. But it also means that there are less ppl at the mall right now, which makes me less inclined to commit murder during the holiday season.
  13. If anyone surprises and gets more than expected, the north shore would be one of my bets for this setup.
  14. NAM clearly improved for parts of the subforum.
  15. I dont feel that way, my sarcasm is lost in the written word.
  16. Someone notify upton, they are orders of magnitude too high for parts of the metro, sure hope they know this entire map is only gonna see 1/2”. What a terrible incoming bust for okx.
  17. One model shows snow 20 miles east of nyc=mood lightened. Other models show snow 20 miles northwest of nyc=“this is over for our subforum”. Sigh. lol
  18. Not even december and timeouts are already coming.
  19. Hopefully final friendly reminder that this forum encompasses more than just the coast. If you feel the threat is dead, you can discuss the overall pattern in the appropriate thread and allow the people in this subforum in the metro area to discuss the potential.
  20. I thought we didnt want november snow to ensure a better winter? Thats what all the best posters here say, snow before december cancels winter? Lol
  21. Could be worse. Coulda bet the Bears. Oh wait, i did.
  22. Thought i saw snowflakes before. It was fur from the squirrel my brother’s dog killed. Oops.
  23. If youre discussing model run comparisons, please post both runs so nothing can get lost in the interpretation.
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