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Everything posted by BxEngine

  1. Im out in Phoenix to play golf while my wife is at a conference...the storms yesterday and today were impressive. Went for a hike about 1/2 hr west of phoenix and the results of the flooding were really evident. Nonstop lightning with the storm near Glendale tnite. Figures I come to play golf and I gotta deal with rain. Sucks.
  2. A dry spell is usually in college or early twenties when trying to find yourself...flash drought is when you really screw up and your significant other makes you sleep on the couch.
  3. Im going to phoenix. A desert. It hasnt rained in months. theres a flood watch. Who do i speak to about this bs?
  4. The obvious answer is the experience she gained dealing with you...
  5. Well yeah...because im smart enough to know im dumb and i dont belong in the other thread unless im reporting more snow and better storms than rjay.
  6. Bump...in case pinning it wasnt enough...a place for anyone to post easily verifiable innacurate posts, eeyore whining, etc. Here ya go.
  7. Bump. Rjay is bored and likes reading old threads....and SNE has a top 5 weather events thread going, figured id kill 2 birds in the bush...or something like that.
  8. I dont understand how you can be part of this community for like 15 yrs and still miss the obvious yoda lol
  9. My retirement plans do not involve moving somewhere warmer than here all year lol. I need seasons.
  10. Was gonna play golf up there but found other options closer, will definitely take a day trip though.
  11. Where you at? Heading to phoenix for golf next month....
  12. Just had that convo with my wife last night about some of the trees. Definitely noticeable, and very noticeable in my garden as well.
  13. Only when ive caught about 50. Mixed into pasta, and then eaten while drunk, its a psychedelic experience.
  14. Maybe the manhattan power outage can give someone cover to go trim the trees around the central park sensor.
  15. Its mesmorizing, especially watching it as they are in sync across a field, its almost a wave of light. First time i see them every summer its instant nostalgia to about 11 years old for me.
  16. Same here, last summer i tried explaining to my kids how the backyard looked when i was their age...the last few nights they have been everywhere.
  17. Speaking of school closings, my kids have school for 1 hour tomorrow, to make the requisite amount of school days. 1 friggin hour. Thats barely enough time for me to drop them off and go get a bacon egg n cheese before i gotta go pick them up again. What a waste.
  18. Still no indoor plumbing in orange county?
  19. Thats a pothole like a forest fire is a campfire.
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