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Everything posted by LongBeachSurfFreak

  1. Exactly. The ultimate screw zone. As a result I was questioned by my boss why I was still watering Friday on campus. (Facilities director) He wanted the system shut off due to the forecast for so much rain. I said umm when in drought expect drought. I was hoping the whole time he would be right and I would be wrong. I was right….. Having both a passion for horticulture and meteorology (I don’t have the math ability to peruse a career in meteorology) I am very well set to feel the needs of the gardens I maintain. And they are the best in the whole city
  2. It’s so foggy at Jones beach currently we had to prevent swimming. High dews traveling over still relatively cool water.
  3. .16” in wantagh and .14” in Manhattan. The inevitable screw zone continues. There has to be a geographic/orographic reasoning behind this consistent result.
  4. Find 50 ways for it not to happen. Though I’m sure some of use will do really well. Just put a stripe of fail right through the City and western li
  5. That’s the storm capital of the east coast. So, doubtful. If you stayed around here you have a much better chance of precip fail!
  6. Just keeps adding to the drought=drought theory. Although the moisture source for this low is the Atlantic. So this is probably more like a too much confluence situation we see with winter storms. Glad I watered yesterday.
  7. Exactly. We need a prolonged very wet period to bring back up ground water levels as well. It’s actually been wetter on the south shore of the island than it has been in the city which is very rare during the warm season. Meanwhile, it definitely does not feel like the first day of summer!
  8. My ideal spot is as high as you can get in the southern greens of Vermont. There’s a poster (Mitch) in the NE forum that’s at 2500’ and averages like 200” a winter. No heat in the summer too at that elevation and you’re only a 4 hour drive from NYC
  9. Just had a nice burst of hail at Jones beach. Pea size but enough to whiten the beach a touch
  10. SNE getting blasted right now. It’s almost like the it wants to rain anywhere but here.
  11. .20” on the uws. I’m literally furious. I didn’t water the campus today because I thought we would be ok. Didn’t even get through some thick perennials. (Irrigation is off for a huge area currently do to events. Drought=drought for the win again as Suffolk somehow scored again
  12. Definitely has something to do with geography and relation to the ocean on a SW flow aloft. But something seems to really be separating them from us the past few years. Endless severe down there and we can’t score
  13. While this is true, like CC forecasts any storm that finds a hole in the shear will have a higher ceiling for intensification.
  14. Wow are you lucky. I’m super sensitive to poison Ivy. I almost always have it this time of year. I’m a horticulturalist not arborist like yourself so I spend my days weeding my gardens on the Ivy League campus i maintain. (Yes it’s Columbia/Barnard) I have tried in vain to remove it all. I think, since it’s such an important native, it just get bird seed dropped when I weed it unaware when it’s undistinguishable. Either that or cross contamination from a string trimmer. You would love my gardens. We just took down a huge red oak that was getting torn apart due to wind tunneling from a new building. I thought, based on old photos it was 75 or years old, but when I counted the rings it was 154. So planted at the same time Broadway was built that far north!
  15. No shot, ash are done. On the scale of chestnut. Might see some resilient suckers pop out of the old long dead trees. But the ash borer beetle is no joke. Really sucks, one of the best east coast natives.
  16. Where is that exactly? Interested in the fact that there are waves, can’t be a lake by you…
  17. Bring it. Feast or famine is the new norm. I would always prefer extreme wet over dry, being that I’m a horticulturalist. The vast majority of cultivated plants prefer wet over dry.
  18. I’m at Jones beach right now and it has been ripping for a while. Definitely heavier then the radar would suggest
  19. .29” in the park, so it looks like the screw zone was right through the city. Wonderful back endless watering tomorrow
  20. So my casual observation of drought causes drought observation was just totally nailed in with this batch. Last week when the hail core and heavy rain access moves over western Suffolk it exactly mirrored the area of heavy rain that just moved through the same area From the opposite direction… Coincidence??
  21. That’s a pretty juiced radar. It’s going to take allot to make that disappear before getting to the metro. This isn’t like an early spring squall line that hits the breaks before it gets to the coast
  22. Yeah you roll the dice enough and eventually you win. Even still I’m sure there will be winners and losers as we are in convection season.
  23. Awesome! I work at field 4/central mall. It’s the place to be if you like action, which I do. He’s going to fall in love with RM. I’m just a weekender/part timer now. I live in Lynbrook and work in the city so it’s just too much extra commuting to switch to rm. Im hesitantly holding off on watering to see what unfolds later on campus. Anything less then .5” isn’t going to cut it. But the potential (euro) for a wet week would be my dream come true.
  24. Nice I’m there right now, my 24th summer life guarding at jones beach. Today wasn’t nearly as nice a beach day as expected. Definitely some smoke in the air here when the sea breeze kicked in.
  25. Kfok down to 39, pretty amazing for June 8th. I have a feeling the lack of solar insulation yesterday and lower day time temps led to a cold launch pad. This is what you would expect in a nuclear winter
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