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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. Got you on the Twitter deck but again hope you had a wonderful day!
  2. So happy for you. What plans do you have?
  3. Good afternoon all. Hope all have been well. Life happened and I have not been on much. With everything opening up kids activities have gotten back into full swing and the Mom Uber is off and running again. I did get myself a present though. My weather station has been slowly dying. The solar panel was no longer recharging and while I could have just gotten a replacement my rain gauge was having issues. Also I have always wanted a station that I can have my info online. So I just got and installed my new station today. Just finished with all the online set up and the link to it is in my signature.
  4. Been pouring here for about 10 min now. Storm is not moving very fast and up to .33" already. Feels like a sauna out there.
  5. Yea I just got put under a warning over here till 7:30. Will see if it holds together or splits.
  6. Was driving home from Purcellville on 287. Got caught in that warned storm in Loudoun and had decent sized hail just South of Lovettesville. The sound hitting the car I would guess about nickel sized. A lot of ponding on the roads in Lovettesville.
  7. Waiting on the farrier. Getting some lawn mowing done. Breeze is beautiful so not as bad as a day as I had thought.
  8. I think today will be a turn on the air day here. Have had the house open all week, was working out this morning down in the cool lower level and when done came up and felt the humidity. Checked it 67% here.
  9. I don’t want this weather to end. On the deck listening to the birds and wind through the trees. And am comfortable. I am not looking forward to the heat that will be here midweek.
  10. Glad they were finally able to get it up. Tonight was the last night they could launch it.
  11. Have you seen the video of that storm down in TX. Mothership!
  12. Mr. J my mixologist made some Mojitos.
  13. I am going to spend my Sunday afternoon watching my oldest daughter dance in a mask while wearing a mask myself along with Mr. J. And we are all vaccinated. Watched her last night also. We are just so happy to be back inside the Weinberg.
  14. I see what you did there.
  15. Awesome! Glad you did not have too much to deal with from the 2nd shot. I got the younger Miss J chipped Friday. Her and her best friend who hate shots got appts together. Then we took them to Krispy Kream for their free doughnut.
  16. So who is loving the upcoming forecast... I can say this, I do like it being warmer out. This past stretch of gray damp like and cool weather has not helped. But that being said next weekend is an upcoming 2 show weekend and I am not ready to sweat just yet. Especially 2 days in a row. Going to break out the sun shirts and load up on Zero Water for the younger Miss J. And make sure we keep the horses hydrated.
  17. Honey Balsamic Chicken and French style Potato and Green Bean Salad
  18. Did you see the story of the guy who filled up 4 containers and put them in his Hummer and it caught on fire. Of course happened in FL.
  19. I will give you that. Having drove I-70 from state line to state line I can honestly say I will give you that.
  20. So jealous!! Glad you got a some what decent day.
  21. All you Cicada watchers here is a piece of art work I did while in college/art school. We had to take a small photo of a bug and enlarge it. I chose a Cicada. The medium is India ink applied with a nib pen. All dots and crosshatching.
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