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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. That would be a nope. All virtual instruction outside of our newly created Blended Virtual Program has been suspended. Even kids who have to quarantine only have access to their online assignments. No instruction is available outside of the physical buildings.
  2. Yep! The YMJ's birthday is the 20th. Their last day was the 18th due to the use of 3 snow days. She was like I better be out of school for my birthday.
  3. I am glad our system started when they did, Aug 18th. Because now our kids get a June 1st last day. The last few years the last day has been around June 19th. Also my senior is super happy because her graduation date is May 26th which means she will be done with school around the second week of May. Seniors get out about 10-12 days before graduation.
  4. yep. I told my girls to take an extra mask today to double up if it comes to that.
  5. That is like me with the younger Miss J's riding instructor. She will text me about putting the horses out for the overnight and for lessons. Yes that would be wise... will see what happens.
  6. Yea FCPS MD sent out a refresh of inclement weather procedure last night. I suspect a normal pick up time at 2:15. May be raining may not. Parent drop off line this year has been crazy due to parents not wanting their kids on busses. If it is raining all those walkers will be added into the mix.
  7. On par with the low rain amounts over here. 0.87” and quiet. Would have liked some noise but due to anxiety am happy it was quiet.
  8. Night of crappy sleep. When that overnight watch was issued my anxiety went up. Was up from about 1-3. Finally got some sleep when after looking at radar determined that MBY would be quiet. This was a time where I was happy that I got shafted on storms.
  9. Not down in SW Frederick Co. Last measurable rain was 10 days ago. I am worried that the rock hard ground will be the problem if we get a lot.
  10. Good morning all! Got woken up from the kitten chasing her tail on my back. It was like the spin cycle on a washer.
  11. Felt that way when I dropped off my senior 2 weeks ago.
  12. School drop off and pick up will be interesting on Wednesday.
  13. When the camera went out they put up a RIP for it. It is attached to a utility pole on a corner when they showed the picture of it. Then it came back from the dead. Had to do a double take to see the live tag on it. It is insane!
  14. Attempted to beat the heat and took the younger Miss J over to ride at 8 am. Drove through some quite dense fog on 340W. When we got there was able to catch this dewey spiderweb at my friends farm.
  15. I got the consolation prize. A beautiful well defined rainbow
  16. I predict -0.00 for me and will be doing the same with said gardens.
  17. It is so awesome to watch all the modifications they use. Being that my daughter is an equestrian we saw a Dressage round with a woman with no legs. The use of legs in riding is a lot and especially in Dressage. Have also seen blind ride with the trainer calling out the course in jumping. Have to have an amazing horse for that. And was surprised to see Rugby in wheelchairs!
  18. And that is what we call in the trade the blue hair zone
  19. We used to wait till after December 13th to put up Christmas stuff. The older Miss J's birthday is that day and right after she was born I told Mr. J that I did not want her birthday and Christmas to be lumped together. She has since decided that she likes putting stuff up early and Dec 1st is generally the time frame.
  20. Coconut Curry Chicken from last night and Chicken and Bacon with garlic mashed potatoes from tonight.
  21. Rain has stopped over here. My backyard reading is at 2” exact. wk: 5.26 mo: 5.41 So have gotten the bulk of the monthly total just this week.
  22. I am in SW Fred Co here is my backyard so far.
  23. Tornado Warning on that storm in Northern Frederick Co. Quiet down in SW Frederick Co.
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