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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. Yea Mr J has wondered if this is the cause. So interesting that you say that.
  2. I have not been in a theater for quiet a while. Over the last decade there is something, have not been able to pin point it, that causes me to get horrible migraines.
  3. Cloud cover up here but it is starting to get brighter.
  4. Just to my East. Swing and a miss for me.
  5. I put the catio out. Anyone who gets rain today can thank Wesley for meowing to go out.
  6. Smoke from the Western fires is really thick today. This is looking Northwest of 340. We can usually see Sugarloaf Mountain from the Miss J’s 3 rd story bedroom windows. It is like it is not even there.
  7. You can come to horse shows with me instead.
  8. Well I spoke too soon. Getting poured on and the rain is blowing sideways. T&L finally.
  9. Jackpot! Getting dumped on here and the wind is blowing the rain sideways.
  10. Bad headache due to this weather. And again in the middle of the action.
  11. Ok we need to have a virtual Retirement party for you here. Can post appropriate gifs...
  12. Anxiety is a nasty beast. Have fought my own battle with it over the years. Not being able to get outside your own head is the worst. From one to another give yourself a good breathing and grounding session. Hugs
  13. HATE Ant swarms!!!!!! My fix below!
  14. Lucky with everything sliding or developing just 1/4 mile Noeth of me ended with 0.01 for the day yesterday. With the amount of humidity that pooled on all the windows this morning hoping we get some storms here today.
  15. Reason why Camp David is up near there. An escape from muggy DC.
  16. Dark and ominous just before the storm blew in. All quiet now.
  17. I have an Olive on my arm. =^••^=
  18. Happy Birthday! I ate a chocolate bar to celebrate with you.
  19. Move over Chipotle Cilantro Lime Chicken Burrito Bowl with Cilantro Lime Rice. Mr. J and I had a date to the liquor store this afternoon as we were low on some of the staples. Picked up a different Tequila, Manik. Is in a pretty nice bottle and was quite smooth. So margaritas were had.
  20. @Rjay Mr. J worked on the game that you have for your avatar. He did a lot with Mr. Handy as well as other things.
  21. Ohh come in and it is all fancy here.
  22. Cajun shrimp tonight. And some new wine glasses. The younger Miss J did amazing at her horse show yesterday and with each blue ribbon got a gift. She chose two wine glasses as she said I needed a drink after two humid hot days at a show.
  23. Have not done that for years. What are you doing with them?
  24. Yesterday was the start of something completely nasty I suspect for the next few days. Kid had a double horse show weekend. Saturday was tolerable. Yesterday though was down right nasty. Warrenton Pony Show starts this week. She was already signed up for 2 divisions on Thursday, but her trainer now wants her to do the Local division on Wednesday. This show usually has stuff for the exhibitors, catered lunches, doughnut day ect. so hoping they have a lot of cold stuff offered. Got two long days ahead of us in the heat will be looking forward to the cool down the end of the week.
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