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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Will get to see the older Miss J in her recital this weekend. She only took 2 classes this year but it is still going to be great to see her on the stage again.
  2. Last night needed another dinner as Miss J had one more recital rehearsal. Made this up early and had Mr J bake it so when we got back dinner was ready. Chicken Enchiladas
  3. Actually threw this one together. 4 split chicken breasts. 1 TBSP each of dried rosemary, oregano, basil, and course salt. 1tsp garlic powder and onion powder and a healthy pinch of pepper. Mix together the spices. Coat chicken with olive oil then toss with herb mix. Place on parchment paper lined baking sheet. Roast at 425 for 40-50 min. For salad cut up cucumbers cherry tomatoes put in feta and I used Greek dressing but have just used Balsamic Vinegar in the past.
  4. Older Miss J had dance recital rehearsal last night so went for an super easy dinner. Herb rubbed split chicken breasts with a cucumber and tomato feta salad.
  5. Good luck vibes to you @Baltimorewx
  6. I am an Moderna bot also. Second shot for you and we can communicate between our chips.
  7. One of our favorites Thai Curry Shrimp.
  8. OH MAN! Yea I have been itching to get stuff in the ground so that would not be good for me either.
  9. One other secret I do is put chili powder into chocolate cookies. Elevates the flavor.
  10. I know we are few but Happy Mother’s Day to all the AmWx mom’s. And to all the other moms who are here by association. I just finished my annual Mom’s Day favorite local garden center haul. Going to plant between the rain drops. The Miss J’s had fun picking stuff out with me. And Mr J let me load up.
  11. Have forgotten to post some of the things we had over the last few days. Top is shrimp and Broccoli. Bottom is a Mexican layer dip. Older Miss J does not like guacamole. She likes Avocados so this dip uses an avocado Greek yogurt dip.
  12. Cinnamon is a hidden gem when it comes to rubs and spice mixes. It is used mostly in Mediterranean but I have used it in Spanish and Mexican spice rubs as well. Making a quiche… put in some Nutmeg. Elevates the overall taste.
  13. Well as I have said member on ignore, and others have quoted him that I can see his posts I can only assume his ass hattery was directed at me. If he knew me at all from here he would know that I am a cancer survivor. I had a dam good reason to have been overly cautious. I had radiation and 7 Lymph nodes removed along with the tumor. I am generally a nice person but I am about done with selfish blowhards who think they know what is best for all. So to avoid getting a vacation from the board I will be civil. You do your thing your way, and I will do my thing my way.
  14. I am not a beer drinker. Even more now that I am GF. Had to get a lager for my pulled pork the other day and decided to surprise Mr J with a selection of craft beers. Picked this one up as he likes Ginger.
  15. It is so nice to be able to start to do things again right! I took over the grocery shopping from Mr. J. He is so awesome that along with working from home he took that on for over a year. Thought I would be a little more anxious going in, but it was like I had never stopped doing it. The girls are out for the rest of the year. We had to make a decision before the end of 3 term and at that time none of us were vaxed and did not know when we would be. But I did just last week purchase tickets to watch the older Miss J's recital at the Weinberg Center next weekend. She does not have as many dances this year as we only let her take 2 classes, but will be so nice to be able to watch her dance again. Her studio is also doing a live feed as capacity is limited for in person. Also went to an awards ceremony for the younger Miss J last night for FFA. Was told by the Principal that the ceremony was the first awards ceremony held in person since schools shut down. I was the same way. The second one hurt a lot less than the first and I had no other side effects. Hopefully you will be the same way.
  16. Thank you for getting your vaccine. Neither me or my daughter had any side effects from our shots, me Moderna and her Pfizer. Mr. J got the J&J and again no side effects. Drinking a lot of water helps and keep your arm active.
  17. That is the Carrot weather app warning sound for me. Makes the cats scramble out of the room of the offending sound.
  18. I heard that all the mass sites have them. That if you call the number and say you have a minor that they are holding Pfizer at all locations even if it is not the dominate shot there that day.
  19. Yep even my 14 year old who has a major needle phobia is excited. She wants to see friends and her cousins this summer.
  20. Happy second, getting your life back, shot day! Today is my 2 week post second shot day.
  21. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2021/05/03/us/politics/coronavirus-vaccine-teenagers.amp.html News this morning of 12-15 yr olds getting authorization possibly next week.
  22. Yea will have to look at Ballenger Creek right behind my house. It runs through a cow pasture back there, the cows get agitated when it floods.
  23. Yea the Southern tip of that put me over 1" for the day. Much more rain to my North going to be bad flooding from all this rain. The Potomac will be raging tomorrow for sure.
  24. That second report is right in the middle of Libertytown. Literally 26 and 75 meet in the town center, not a very big town. And caught the tail end of the storm over here pushing my rain totals up to 0.94" still raining lightly so may go up to an inch.
  25. I was going to say it was right along MD 26 Libertytown area. Mostly farm land out there hope nothing was hit.
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