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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. Had to go over to VA to hold the pony for the farrier. Got under one of those vertical lines coming through. Had to have her shod in the garage. Very tropical feeling out.
  2. Caught this double just before the storm to my south got here.
  3. @GramaxRefugee yes you can cycle through and get the DP also WC. It is in the temp area. The RH stays just below the temp.
  4. It does allow to do different settings. I have been some what lazy in changing the factory settings but will look today.
  5. SW Fred Co finally got some decent rain. I know more are having issues with a lot of rain, but we really needed a decent soak up here. Backyard total of 1.90” so far. Absolutely poured buckets last night during back to school night yesterday.
  6. I do have to say I was thankful for some of the heavy stuff out near Berryville Sat night. Had a show in Millwood and the rings have been so dry. To the point of so much dust you cannot see the horses going around except for them coughing up a lung from inhaling the dust. Got there yesterday morning to a ring that actually has some puddling in it. Ring did not have to be watered at all and could see the horses and their lungs were all clear.
  7. Yes we will! Just to your East and it is quite crispy around here.
  8. I just recently replaced my Davis with this one. Got a recommendation from another member. https://www.amazon.com/Ambient-Weather-WiFi-Station/dp/B01N5TEHLI?pd_rd_w=M3dyB&pf_rd_p=f8048a1b-0abf-4d1a-a91b-cb558d45ad96&pf_rd_r=VAJQ13R4VN016G03567G&pd_rd_r=a4834622-3da3-4c5c-b4a0-009b46951ce4&pd_rd_wg=lN0F5&pd_rd_i=B01N5TEHLI&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_m_rp_46_sc So far I like it. I like the three arm instrument set up. I am getting better wind info from this set up than I did from my Vantage Vue. You can look down in my signature and see my Weather Underground web link for it.
  9. Lot of thunder and wind, but everything is up to my North.
  10. 97/43/71.6 dew. Feels like 105.6 Sauna anyone???
  11. What part of Fred Co? I am in the SW part of the Co and the mountains and Potomac affect anything coming in from the South and the West. We usually do pretty good down here when it drops from the NW. That being said my area has not been that lucky this year. Very dry down here.
  12. My station at 11 pm. Feels like temp at 92
  13. Even though have not been out except to take the Miss J's to the Ortho it is degusting. So much so that I do not feel like cooking. Not even on the stove top. So Peruvian Chicken and Chaufa is on the menu for tonight from our local Peruvian place. The owner makes some kick ass dipping sauces for it also.
  14. So looked to see if there was still storms. Three planes have flown low over our house from the NW to SW. Either DC or Dulles change in flight pattern.
  15. Yes this is the first year in quite a while that FCPS is scheduled for the last day on June 1st. If any snow days are used, there are 5, they will be tacked on pushing the last day back by as much as 5 days. But I am so happy that they don't have to go 2-3 weeks into June like they have in the past. And the older Miss J being a Senior will be done sometime around the second week of May.
  16. Just had something pop up over me only to drop a small amount and move NE. Hoping to get some more.
  17. That looks great how was it? Dinner tonight Chicken cutlets with peas and mushrooms over garlic mashed potatoes.
  18. Thanks to you both! These two recipes are actually very fast and easy to make. I just got fancy with presentation.
  19. The Miss J's first day back is next Wednesday Aug 18th. Got the 2 S's, Senior and Sophomore. The Senior already has Senioriotis.
  20. Tex Mex Pork Chops with Seasoned Sautéed corn
  21. Nah that right belongs to the Beast or Natty.
  22. Sorry just saw this. Wow what a great explanation.
  23. Popping into say grass is getting quite crunchy all over.
  24. Yea @vastateofmindmentioned that also. And Mr J has thought that as well. If it is, would be interesting what aspect of it is causing the problem.
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