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Everything posted by John1122

  1. Maybe some patchy showers down stream. Between the storm Saturday night and the rain today have added .45 to the bucket for October. Around 1/3rd what was modelled just a couple of days ago. At least it's been cloudy and cool so the rain didn't burn off. Currently 63 and maybe falling into the 50s late this afternoon into early evening.
  2. Rain just fell apart for East Tennessee as compared to its trek through West and Middle. Rather than the .5-.75 forecast I'd say .1-.25 unless it redevlops.
  3. Had a thunderstorm and some steady rain earlier. Hope to get the leaves nice and wet over the next few days to slow or prevent flash fires this month.
  4. Up to 87 here today. Probably the hottest October day here ever.
  5. The hottest one I can find before the 100 yesterday at Chattanooga was 97 in Savannah in 1954.
  6. I'm getting pretty fortunate regarding the heat. Sitting at 85 right now. It's even 90 in Crossville. I believe that may be their only 90 degree temp ever there. At least on record. They didn't have a station for some of the prior heatwaves.
  7. It also is pretty wet for early next week. Need a good soaker before fire season truly hits. Had a decent one yesterday but over a very small area, probably a 4 mile circle around my house.
  8. Had another bout of moderate rain today. Enough that the roads were still wet in shady areas hours later. Kept the temperature down in the 80s here again today.
  9. More rain showers moving through this afternoon, one was heavy but brief. There may be a few more in the pipeline but probably not much more than the kind that soaks into the ground within 10 minutes.
  10. Managed 48 yesterday morning. No luck this morning though. Hopefully the rain comes to pass for the area this evening.
  11. Currently low 50s here, might make a run at upper 40s by morning. Will hope so at least.
  12. Actually pulling off some rain this afternoon. Not heavy but enough to use the windshield wipers.
  13. No, it was the winter where the last two weeks of February and the first week of March was pretty wintry for the entire forum for the most part. It was capped off by the blizzard in West Tennessee in early March. It was brutally cold every where once that February arctic express got rolling. I had 15 inches of snow, 4 inches of sleet and and two ice storms in a 20 day stretch. It snowed on top of snow 5 times. Which isn't common for the area most years.
  14. 14-15 was a weak El Nino but is noted for not having the precip patterns of a typical El Nino.
  15. Don't have to go back very far to find the record dry September in the area. In 2014 Knox had .19 inches of rain, BNA had .21 inches. Memphis had 4.75 inches for the month but 4.45 of that fell in one day, .27 another and the other 28 days of the month were mostly rain free. Temps were around 3 degrees AN for the month. So not as hot as this month has been but still warm. October was much wetter at about 2x the average rainfall, with temps near or below normal across the area. November was cold and dry that year with about 50 percent of normal precip.
  16. 18z GFS was much wetter valley wide that run. 2-4 inches over the next 16 days.
  17. I don't understand how Hurricanes keep recurving but temps stay sky high and the weather stays dry. It's odd that the troughs that turn them are hot/dry weather producers. We did have some rain and storms a few days ago. But it has been fairly dry and Sept may actually be our first month of the year without AN precip. Shouldn't be significant fire danger here though, no brown grass or anything like that here.
  18. It was too rainy here to be hot this summer, but plenty of heat this month so far. We did avoid the worst of it yesterday with a thunderstorm that fired up in the early afternoon.
  19. Rained just about all day long with a high temp of 67, felt sort of fallish out there. Picked up .57 today with the rain mostly moving out of the area.
  20. After Thursday rains, Friday rains and storms and some overnight rain, at 4.48 inches of rain for August. Normal is about 4.1 inches. Decent chances of rain today, tomorrow and tomorrow night as well. Model models are spitting out another 1-1.5 inches in my area from now til September 1st. I've had more than 6 inches of rain every month in 2019 so far. Will see if August can keep that up. My only near normal month was May and I average right at 6 inches in May though. Average is 4.05 in Sept and goes down to 3.3 in October. In November it heads back close to 6 inches on average.
  21. Had some rain again Thursday and big rains Friday that caused a 2 hour delay for the local HS football game from a thunderstorm that just crept across the area, it took those two hours for it to move 20 miles. Had additional showers over night and a rainy week is upcoming by the way things look. August is AN for precip here, as has every month of the year to date been AN except for May, which was right at normal. There's nothing remotely dry about lawns or anything else imby. Was talking to someone from Cocke County (that's who Campbell County played Friday night) and they said their yard was turning brown though and that they'd had hardly any rain since July. I am not really sure how or why SE Kentucky is in the drought monitor tbh, they have areas there in drought that were 5-8 inches AN for precip in June and 3-4 inches AN in July according to AHPS precipitation maps. It's not like they've gotten no rain in August either in those areas.
  22. If I remember correctly the only thing they had in common was the last massive severe thunderstorm that produced a major flash flood in the LaFollette area also happened that summer of 1993. It wasn't as wide spread as the big storm earlier this summer, but a smaller area got over 2 inches of rain in about 20 minutes in early July one evening. It put several city blocks under 3 or 4 feet of water. The big storm earlier this year was over a bigger area and had 6-8 inches of rain over a couple hours. It was notable in my mind for wind because it blew down a lot of trees here. Like 20-30 large oak trees. I got rain but not as heavy as LaFollette. It was just an extremely hot afternoon where a big storm popped up and got violent for that 20-30 minutes. It's the strongest wind event I've seen to this day. I'm certain it's just a coincidence though that two big pop up flooding storms happened that year and this one. The warm season weather pattern that year and this one are not at all similar here. That winter of 1993 was warm though. Until late February, we had 4 inches of snow the last few days of Feb 1993, then of course the blizzard two weeks later.
  23. Sumner of 1993 was very dry and very hot. July 1993 was over 90 all but 2 days of the month in Knoxville, with multiple days between 96-100, and those two days below 90 it was 89. Only rained about 2 inches in both June and July.
  24. Didn't end up nearly as hot today as predicted because it stormed around 11am. Had another round of very heavy rain this evening just before sunset. At 3.31 for August now. Which seems almost dry compared to most months this year.
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