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Everything posted by JoshM

  1. Hopefully Winnie will bring us some honey!
  2. 0z GFS looking better than 18z... more phasing which means more precip. 850s look good
  3. I can pretty much guarantee something epic will happen this winter (whether it be torch or winter storms). It's 2020, the year of insanity. But I agree, let's take this shi* pattern during the period we hardly ever get winter weather outside the mountains. It can only get better from here. The GFS in the past day or two has relaxed off it's torch the entire run.
  4. I updated with High Res NAM, and it's about the same. With the way 2020 has been, and the fact it's on all the models I've seen, I'd say its the real deal.
  5. 68 right over MBY, going to be a fun morning High Res NAM very similar
  6. I woke up to a tropical storm warning on my weather radio, I thought they made a mistake. This hurricane season is an odd one, to say the least.
  7. I love storm chasing, but when it comes to Laura, I'm good. Wind doesn't scare me, storm surge and drowning does.
  8. I'm hoping the track at least keeps the storm landfalls a couple hundred miles apart. Imagine the rainfall totals with two storms in the same area.
  9. GFS has both storms hitting Louisiana 3 days apart. Scary, but amazing, that 2 hurricanes could potentially landfall in the same area in the same week.
  10. Felt two quakes, first baby one ~ 2am, then the good one around 8am. All the ceiling fans and light fixtures were swinging. I was half asleep, felt like one of those old vibrating beds in a motel room for a sec No rain IMBY today, stormed all around me tho 83/71
  11. With the way 2020 has been, I expect plenty of tropical trouble. The environment is favorable, too.
  12. 71/67 and Thunderstorms. My area seems to be stuck in a conga line of storms
  13. 6z NAM is even cooler... Our area would be the coolest place east of the Mississippi, Eastern Canada included. A 1031 High over New York State and a Low off the coast, would be great, in January
  14. 0z NAM cooler than 18z, where were these anomalies in January
  15. Hope everyone has their June jackets ready
  16. 18z GFS totals really went up for the NC Piedmont. MBY is showing 8.5 inches QPF thru Friday on both GFS and Euro. NWS GSP Rainfall map, thru 5/21
  17. If we get another North jump from the NAM neither will I.
  18. I see Upstate Flurry from Simpsonville, is that you?
  19. Love the trends today... looking good for us NC folks
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