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Everything posted by JoshM

  1. Canadian holds serve, in fact, it's a little colder than 12z.
  2. Gotta mention the chance plus cover your ass, but as we know, cold rain usually reigns supreme
  3. 18z GFS brings in some frozen precip the morning of 12/13 for the CAD areas, but temps go above freezing pretty quick.
  4. 6z GFS went all in Hour 222 has a 1050 Banana High
  5. As long as we get there I don't mind if we take the scenic route or not.
  6. If euro calls a major winter storm in the Southeast 9 days out I'm like...
  7. Well... at this point, this is how I feel about winter
  8. Looks about average for MBY. I always hold the rain/snow front lines, being north of 85. Somehow, I pull a rabbit out of my ass every year and get 8-10.
  9. GFS trying to pull shenanigans for parts of NC Saturday
  10. I'm more excited over the cold coming in. I highly doubt I'll even see a flurry next week, unless I go to the Mountains.
  11. 0z GFS literally gives western NC Piedmont the middle finger. Seems legit
  12. 18z Clown Map... For entertainment purposes only
  13. I can't disappoint the weenies... clown map below
  14. Euro was hinting at that a day or two ago. Looks like another cold chasing moisture. One things for sure, the cold hammer will drop!
  15. JoshM


    for my junk model images
  16. Sooo close to something good for a lot of us...
  17. Ensemble looks colder... much better HP position.
  18. And by hour 240 (ya, i know) the cold bomb drops
  19. I'll take this look @ 150hrs anytime. And considering this is the first week of November
  20. The camera operators said, "Nah, we're good"
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