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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. Apparently something burned up in the HVAC system. No big fire but it was going to take a while to trace so they sent us home.
  2. And now smoke there is some sort of fire on the floor above me in our office building and we’ve been evacuated.
  3. Seems to be lightening up here. Green Mt. Power is not sure when we will get power back.
  4. Only due to elevation, I believe. It’s a pretty defined hill/valley situation so you go up in any direction.
  5. It's dumping in downtown Montpelier too. Haven't been outside since I got into work around 7:00 so not sure about accumulation around here.
  6. Was just about to point this out when I saw your post. I'd get the flexible ones if I were him.
  7. Not worried about you SMOKING crack..........
  8. It has been memorable. I still worry about the rubber band snapping back, hard.
  9. 5"-6" at home and maybe half that down here in Montpelier.
  10. 5"-6" at home and maybe half that down here in Montpelier. Still snowing stoutly.
  11. Wasn’t there just a big discussion in one of these threads about elevation?
  12. Google says I’m at 1247’. I would estimate the r/s line at 1100’ when I came home half an hour ago. Coming down pretty good now and the roads are starting to get covered.
  13. Was just going to say the same thing. Just got back from the gym and grocery shopping and it was rain in the valley and starting to sticks to the road by the time I got home.
  14. Last gasp of winter before we get suck up by the one-eyed Alaskan pig vortex.
  15. You can start one. You don't need permission.
  16. Careful, pretty soon Oceanst will be wistfully daydreaming about his halcyon days back at DVN.
  17. Apparently you haven’t worked with a club and landowners before. Also, there are still a tone of open water bars and wetlands.
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