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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. Maybe he’s actually Judah’s pop? Angry at you pickin’ on his boy!
  2. He is in a good location to catch every uplsope snowfall. He is also the most diligent measurer that I have ever seen. He is a fanatic about data collection and quality and measures exactly according to the NWS standards. He comes as close to anyone can to capturing every single flake that falls.
  3. Hey! Hold on just a second! I have light flurries floating around outside my office right now!
  4. There is a patch of blue sky visible out my office window right now. Of course the sun is blocked by clouds.
  5. I can attest that we got below freezing at my house. I put one foot on the top step as I was leaving for work and I went down immediately. After I finally shook that off and salted the stairs, the 1" of snow left on my car from yesterday was solidly welded to the windshield. It was clear though. It seemed like the fog level was somewhere between 1100' and 1200'.
  6. Just looked out and think I saw a few stars twinkling in the sky. It would be ironic if the first clear skies we have in weeks come at night. No sun for us.
  7. Shouldn’t this be posted in the SE forum? Lol. Stunning differences from here. I haven’t seen my lawn, or the sun for that matter, in weeks. Jealous about the golf.
  8. Here is the post https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156738941469323&id=112593644322&_ft_=mf_story_key.10156738941469323%3Atop_level_post_id.10156738941469323%3Atl_objid.10156738941469323%3Acontent_owner_id_new.112593644322%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10156738941469323%3Apage_id.112593644322%3Aphoto_id.10156738928744323%3Astory_location.4%3Astory_attachment_style.photo%3Apage_insights.{"112593644322"%3A{"role"%3A1%2C"page_id"%3A112593644322%2C"post_context"%3A{"story_fbid"%3A10156738941469323%2C"publish_time"%3A1543522831%2C"story_name"%3A"EntStatusCreationStory"%2C"object_fbtype"%3A266}%2C"actor_id"%3A112593644322%2C"psn"%3A"EntStatusCreationStory"%2C"sl"%3A4%2C"dm"%3A{"isShare"%3A0%2C"originalPostOwnerID"%3A0}%2C"targets"%3A[{"page_id"%3A112593644322%2C"actor_id"%3A112593644322%2C"role"%3A1%2C"post_id"%3A10156738941469323%2C"share_id"%3A0}]}}&__tn__=*s*s-R
  9. I saw a post on Facebook say the bullwheel was installed and they were expecting to have it up and running soon.
  10. I thought the bottom one was the before and the top one the after
  11. Dendy did the mass delete thing for several of us a few weeks ago.
  12. Even around here, outside the traditional upslope zone, it keeps snowing lightly. Not accumulating much but snow in the air.
  13. I thought you were permanently on the DL for skiing?
  14. By exit 4 on 89 in VT, you should be excited.
  15. PANC or PANIC? Seems like we have already see the panic.
  16. 10”-12”. I know there was a lot of compaction. This might be the hardest snowblowing I’ve ever done. Not made any easier by the fact that I have a flat tire on my snowblower.
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