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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. 50° today ought to nearly finish off the 4-5" that's left.
  2. Nice wind. Good thing all the heavy wet snow melted off the trees already.
  3. Yup, which is why I mention max and final depth. This time I also did the old 6 hr which would have me a bit over 12" but there was another band that dropped more that disappeared quickly that I add (mostly for my own entertainment) because it was easily measurable but didn't fit the rules.
  4. At one point there was 10" on the ground but total was around 15". I lost 4" in the first round of melting and settling then another 4" in the next two melt offs. At 1am, after the snow finally stopped there was 7.5-8" on the ground and a bit over 10" on the undisturbed car top in a cold, wind sheltered spot.
  5. ^ So my ~14" isn't too far off from that, hopefully a few more will validate my unorthodox measurements.
  6. @sn0wyou should come back up this way, it's still coming down. Winding down but still low vis. A bunch of cars tried to get up and slid back down so be careful if you come up this way. 29/28/WNW 2-4 SN-
  7. Still going and accumulating nicely at 31°
  8. ... And again, back in the soup. Temp just popped below 32 and the vis dropped to about 800 feet as the flakes got nice and big a few minutes ago.
  9. Hmm, last gasp? I thought it was done but, nope. Back to heavy with good sized flakes. Crazy...
  10. He was working. Couldn't ya tell? Sheesh
  11. Even 3° colder would've done wonders, just as important would've been a cold day preceding so we didn't lose so much from the bottom. It's still going pretty good here but the flakes are small and the wind is coming up. It started to brighten to the west but it's the wrong time of day for that to continue. At this point the accumulation rate probably equals the melt rate so I could call it at 12-13 and feel no guilt. Well, not much anyway.
  12. Kings Ridge Rd is just a few blocks uphill from me. It's nuts right now. I can't say I'm disappointed haha
  13. I'm about 18 miles SE of that spot and 400 feet down but I'm nearly there at about a foot. @DRVTSis a few miles east and I bet he's at least equal based on the direction of these bands.
  14. I'm getting absolutely dumped on right now and it's been like this for about an hour and a half with heavy but not crazy for an hour before that. Snow globe stuff and all at 33°. FKNA YEAH! My back hurts
  15. This is insane when these bands come through. I've been under one for over an hour now and even at 33° I've gotten 4" making it about 6" since my 6am measurements, totaling 12 and it's coming down 2-3"/hr right now. It has taken multiple measurements to get there though because it melts fast when the rates lighten up. It was down to ~3-4" before the current band.
  16. Hmmph, I really expected you to have nearly double what I got but I have more than you. Right now it's absolutely pouring snow with huge flakes and it's (finally) accumulating for real for the first time since about 6am.
  17. Geez, it's really coming down now. That's legit heavy with, apparently, very good growth judging by the size and density of the flakes. Good stuff
  18. 33/32/SN+ Over the last half hour or so it really ramped up but it's not really accumulating. Snow on snow it is accumulating well now but on anything that was already cleared it's more like heavy, grey water with a whitish surface than snow. I guess it's nice to look at so, there's that.
  19. It was only (slightly) below freezing from 3>6, I went out a few minutes after 6, just as it went back above 32 and had 4". When I went out to shovel around 8 it was more like 2" over stupid heavy grey matter. It hasn't stopped snowing and graupeling but it's not accumulating at all on surfaces I cleared. My back hurts
  20. Holy huge flakes Batkidz It's finally snowing here and it's not kidding around.
  21. A few minutes later and it was dumping the biggest flakes I've ever seen. They were fkn huge for a while, now it's just regular big flakes accumulating quickly because that burst coated everything.
  22. He's also further north and in one of the snowier zones in the area, although I'm not really sure where you're at now. I'm at 34/33/NNE4 with some wet pingers mixing in. .24 so far.
  23. 37° here at 5:30. It's a lot wetter than you'd think for only .11.
  24. ^^What he said. I dunno, maybe enough slush to be annoying.
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