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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. Melt the glaciers and bring back the lobsters! And the cod and so on and so on.
  2. Every time someone mentions 97/98 I cringe because that's the year I jumped in with both feet and moved my fledgling ski shop into a bigger more expensive building. When it snowed 5" in early December I breathed a sigh of relief but then it didn't snow again until March It took three years to "dig out" from that mess. Yes eastern LI, especially the North Shore/North Fork have somewhat similar weather as SNE but that area and SNE south of I90 and east of I91 is going to succumb to the effects of warmer N Atlantic waters sooner rather than later. What's the solution? Melt a bunch of glaciers in Greenland and cool it down? That seems as though it would have other effects that may not be appreciated along the coast and may not be appreciated.
  3. Looks like ~1.7" for yesterday and today. I guess my thinking that it would stay more southeast and I'd be spared the big total was wrong. Everything this morning looked all fresh and green like early spring
  4. And there it goes, .35 in an hour. That was supposed to be 3-4" of snow but, no...
  5. I fell asleep and, wow. Looks like it went from that ~.2 to 1.3 in just a few hours. Geez, now it's over 50° too with another ugly slug of rain about to unleash. Yuck.
  6. Yeah it rained, even pinged for a few minutes but, the highest I'm finding around this part of town is .22 total for the day. It seems like more because it was a wet snow that melted into already soaked ground and then it rained on top of that. Yaaaayyyy winter
  7. I think most of this is going to stay south and east, I don't expect to get the 1"+ NWS has for me here. That's quite alright, it's soggy out there already. 33/33/drizzle and mist
  8. 31/30/SSE7 OVC it got up to about .5 before it stopped, roads are wet and slushy
  9. Nice snowfall rate and ground coverage, I didn't expect the streets to be covered so quickly.
  10. 31/30/ESE5 moderate to heavy snow, even the streets are covered
  11. Sun is out. 33/27/SE4 with a light overcast
  12. Sun is out. 33/27/SE4 with a light overcast
  13. First round of virga passed quietly. 31/26/SSE2 OVC with bright sky just to my SE under the cloud deck.
  14. NOAA site is down at the moment. What's the timing on precip start tomorrow? I have a bunch of stuff in the driveway that can't get wet and I have no place to put right away.
  15. That .5 I said earlier is still mostly on the ground with nothing below me except on sheltered northerly exposures and a more solid coating a little further up the hill. The distribution is totally elevation dependent and looks more like a spring storm than a January one.
  16. 32/31/SSW7 SN- It has been snowing since about 10, there's a half inch of mush on all surfaces except the streets. It looks wintry but feels Marchy.
  17. 32/32/RN-ZR NNE4 it looks like the warm rain has won out, even though it's still cold here on the hill it's above 32 around the area with temps 33+. The earlier coating and crunch is mostly gone. Phew. Bullet dodged.
  18. Damn it's icy out there 32/32/ZR
  19. 32/32/ZR There's a nice sleet coating under a crunch layer. Uggh. I have to empty my father in law's condo into a dumpster tomorrow. That's gonna suck.
  20. Sorta but not really. I'm not as enamored with ice as I was a few decades ago.
  21. 34/31/SE4 SN- Very light wet flakes falling at the moment so there's that
  22. I think that here (southern Putnam @700 feet) it will start firm and translucent and will transition to clear and moist pretty quickly. It may firm up towards the end but it will be too little too late.
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