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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. I don't see how it can be any better than an F. Even if we get a few days that look wintry the next few weeks they'll be nothing better than a hassle and we know it's just mud underneath. The grass is green today and it's February
  2. That little bit of sleet coating yesterday didn't prove to be terribly resistant It feels so late March/early April outside right now. Blah... Some of those 20"+ panels everyone's posting are making me wonder, real or fantasy? At this point I don't want it, time to move on. That doesn't mean I won't stand out there, shovel in hand, at 1am enjoying it
  3. Emotionally I'd prefer it doesn't snow (much) from here on out. After such a nothingburger of a winter I'd like to see it be an outright failure and set the futility record. I also need good weather for my business to succeed, if it snows now all it will do is push any chance I have of earning anything off until May.
  4. I woke up at 5:30 and it was snowing nicely, it just stopped a few minutes ago. Grass and cars are coated but it's melting quickly. 32/31
  5. Overnight and early morning looks like it might be a little interesting. Then there's a few more potentials coming up.
  6. That 1987 storm put down 30" in downtown Flagstaff and 70" at the Snowbowl ski area. I made it to the ski area base lot at 8am after considerable struggles and numerous efforts with the shovels and skied some of the most incredible powder ever that day.
  7. 31 here on the hill and 28-29 in town. It sorta felt wintry earlier but the sun is strong and heats things up nicely.
  8. Sleet! Well, it's frozen anyway. It's 46° dark grey and windy with sheets of sleet blowing on Rt 6. Cool
  9. .13 two day total. It was huge I tell ya It did actually rain hard for a minute a little while ago.
  10. Green grass, buds budding, leaves crackly and crunchy on the surface, birds chirping, squirrels playing, mosquitoes doing mosquito things and gnats swarming along with what mud there was drying up sure does make it feel spring like. I also foresee 'drought 23' being a thing.
  11. More than a quarter of the days over 50. Wow.
  12. I just get kinda antsy when it's warm like this. I'm going to try and see what happens.
  13. I'm thinking some broccoli and cauliflower might have a chance if it goes in now. If it does sprout you can cover it with a deep pile of leaves and maybe a solid cover if it snows and it might just work out.
  14. I was just out cleaning up some of the garden and quite a few things are greening up.
  15. There we go, this is better. Finally, a proper early spring day
  16. I'm 14 miles SW of KDXR and other than a handful of times my totals are better (by a fair bit) than over there. The station site is slightly sheltered from anything southerly oriented so the snow blows "over" it, there are stations a mile away on the other side of the valley that show 20-30% higher precip numbers. It does show slightly lower temps too because of its location on the north side of the hills. All that said yes, we need more continental systems as opposed to coastal to have great winters here.
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