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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. This is the thickest smoke we've ever had here that I can remember. My memory of stale, hot, humid summer days before catalytic converters is similar. Yuck...
  2. That t-storm rocked the Colorado high country and scared me silly. I was driving on a ridge road watching the light show on the divide a few miles away when all of a sudden the engine revved really high and BANG! The loudest sound and simultaneous flash I've ever heard. I truly thought I was done for. The truck shut off and there was steam and smoke coming from it when I opened my eyes. I got out right in the middle of the road and there was a huge scorch mark on the road and along the passenger side with the paint bubbled off right by the antenna which had turned blue. When I saw my reflection in the window I broke out laughing, my hair was still standing up straight and my beard was a huge poofball. Fukkknn ZAPPP!
  3. Still not a cloud in sight here. I don't think I could have ordered a nicer day.
  4. I flip it on when the house gets to about 60. I hate waking up chilled, it ruins my back for the whole day. It drives me nuts though to run the heat at the end of May.
  5. This cool weather has done wonders for a volunteer parsnip in one of my garden beds. The thing is 3 feet tall and is the happiest root veggie I've ever grown. The real pleasure is I haven't done a thing to it, didn't plant it, haven't trimmed it and haven't watered it more than once. I keep thinking that when I pull it it's gonna be like 3" long
  6. Over performer today, .16. Strangely the soil didn't fully dry after the weekend rains, I guess the cool weather (?), so this really soaked the surface. Now it's cold.
  7. Another .05 overnight. Boy are things gonna grow like mad now... PSA - Watch out as stuff fills in and you have to pull further out to see at corners, the front of the car will be in the line of traffic in some places. Looks like a nice day ahead once it dries out.
  8. Yeah, that's the trick isn't it. Howzabout another inch in a week or so, better if it's not on the weekend though.
  9. Done for a bit I guess. 1.1"
  10. .9 so far with steady moderate+ falling right now. Good soak. Hopefully the front is equally as productive.
  11. I was sittin' on the pot when it happened and I didn't feel anything :shrug: TMI? Too bad.
  12. The smoke sux Gonna be a long fire season... It's going to get worse too, CA has made it really difficult to do prescribed burns and fuel clearing due to Spotted Owl territory. This means all of the new growth from all the moisture the last few months will be ready to burn by midsummer. There are similar issues in places through all of the western states so there's going to be more fuel ready to burn than in previous years. Yay Looks like at my level on the hill it got to 35°, the top stayed above 39 and I found two 33° lows below me.
  13. The deluges keep the reservoirs full enough that people don't realize how low the soil moisture is.
  14. I'd be ok with it if 20 or so days a month were like this. Ok, maybe 5-8° higher but, yeah.
  15. With overnight temps in the 40s it's kind of necessary, even 50s makes this fat old old body achy.
  16. The sky is this weird color. I got so used to grey...
  17. Over the last few days I've literally been in every zone in the state. As of Friday afternoon there are still large areas of the Southern Tier, WNY and the Adirondacks that are just making the turn from stick season to mosquito season. The early bloom and full on spring is really only over about 40% of the state.
  18. You've been hangin' with Forky too much
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