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About gravitylover

  • Birthday September 7

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Mahopac NY @ 709 feet
  • Interests
    Mountain biking, skiing, golf. drinking beer

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  1. 2.1 3 day total. Nice, solid breeze today drying things out before it gets cold tonight FTW.
  2. When I looked closer it has me getting really wet and snowman getting really white. That's unacceptable so I'm rejecting it entirely.
  3. That was a helluva squall that blew through. It went from warming and sunny to whiteout with swirling strong winds. That was cool. Since then it's been in and out with increasing wind strength.
  4. I've got pretty heavy snow falling now. Even the street was covered quickly.
  5. I've been below freezing a few times but the strawberries and tomatoes just kept going, even this morning there are new flowers on the strawberries! Yesterday I pulled a handful of sungolds and these other mini tomatoes I've had good luck with this year and the last couple of beefsteaks are ripening on the counter now that I picked on Monday. I'm 55 miles north of Times Square.
  6. Kinda looks like some folks might have a slickery drive home from their T-giving activities.
  7. 2014 I had 10" the day before T-giving. It figures it's going to rain in the morning, my father-in-law's funeral is a graveside service at 11am in Glendale. It was cold, windy and raw when my dad passed in April and now we get to do it again. Uggh
  8. WDrag mentioned that same date yesterday.
  9. I have anywhere from a thick layer of translucent slush to 4" on branches.
  10. That dry slot over the Northern Great Lakes is awesome.
  11. It's finally been below freezing for a few hours. It's past time for the garden to call it quits.
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