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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. My weather vacillates between interior and coastal leaning to the interior with temps and snowfall. It's pretty obvious though that Jerseyites would rather associate themselves with NY than PA or the Mid-Atlantic. I guess NY is just better
  2. It's a great place to go snowshoeing and mt biking and bird watching too. I've seen bear and ridden with coyotes there.
  3. Yup hasn't stopped here yet either. It's coming down nicely again now Unfortunately it has been above 32 since about 10am so it didn't add to the total but has almost kept up with the melt from underneath.
  4. Go up to Cranberry Mt on Stagecoach Rd and take a walk into the fields, it ought to be really pretty today.
  5. It was ~6" before the real melt started. Due to warm ground this stuff was melting from the bottom right away so it was stupid heavy to shovel. I chose to pull the cars out of the driveway and clean them in the street so I didn't have to shovel the stuff and got lucky because the street was closed because of an accident so there was no traffic while I did it. As soon as the truck was cleared a plow came through and cleaned up my mess The snow hasn't stopped yet but it stopped accumulating at sunrise, it's just been white rain since but it looks nice.
  6. Looks like it'll be a fun ride up the Taconic Tuesday morning
  7. The Ocean State Job Lot by me has hundreds.
  8. @LibertyBell Sorry, due to having admitted to being purposely uninformed in addition to extreme bias your opinion carries very little weight
  9. 20/20/freezing fog So 6" looks to be on the table for Tuesday morning. I can't decide if I'm excited or disappointed.
  10. You hate a (great) place that you've never been? You do realize that CP is one of the great city parks in the world, right? I think that you need to go take a walk, maybe on a summer evening when the place is hopping with activity, maybe when there's a show at Summerstage and there's music in the air after you've spent some time at The Met or the Zoo. I think you're cheating yourself out of a prime experience that you can only get in a few cities around the world. Anyway... This freezing fog this morning kinda sux, good thing it's finally settling out.
  11. You can argue all you want but you don't get to move the goalposts because it suits you.
  12. Another .2. Yay. Will I get to 3" (total for the season) Monday night? That would be nice.
  13. Well, you'll get nothing now that you've started an event thread. Good job. I'm gonna get 6" because I don't want it.
  14. Far and away the most wintry looking and feeling day of the season. Steady snow falling, small flakes so they're filling everything in nicely because there's just a slight hint of a breeze. 21/17/S3 SN
  15. The last few frames of the radar blossomed, what's with that? I figured this would've mostly moved through by now and we'd be winding down.
  16. Sometimes I wish I had an anemometer up at treetop level. The big ones are getting abused right now.
  17. I don't see how it can be any better than an F. Even if we get a few days that look wintry the next few weeks they'll be nothing better than a hassle and we know it's just mud underneath. The grass is green today and it's February
  18. That little bit of sleet coating yesterday didn't prove to be terribly resistant It feels so late March/early April outside right now. Blah... Some of those 20"+ panels everyone's posting are making me wonder, real or fantasy? At this point I don't want it, time to move on. That doesn't mean I won't stand out there, shovel in hand, at 1am enjoying it
  19. Emotionally I'd prefer it doesn't snow (much) from here on out. After such a nothingburger of a winter I'd like to see it be an outright failure and set the futility record. I also need good weather for my business to succeed, if it snows now all it will do is push any chance I have of earning anything off until May.
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