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Everything posted by 32º

  1. Sunspot AR3590 is capable of sending us a large CME. https://spaceweather.com/
  2. Stratospheric warming may bring polar vortex. https://spaceweather.com/
  3. The GFS has developed self-awareness and is messing with us.
  4. We lost power when that high intensity line passed overhead. That radar image is quite unusual.
  5. Radar shows something small and soon.
  6. I am grateful that the rain held off enough for me to get 7 more rows of corn planted tonight. Hoping it is not too late. The 50 tomato plants are doing well. .
  7. 2087, after shoveling heavy snow, smelling the turkey roasting in the oven before I even reached the front door!!!!!
  8. I measured 0.27 so maybe I need to clean out the rain collector on the WX station.
  9. It is amazing how much the N95 really helps. I just moved a pile of firewood and had no problems breathing with the smoke/odor except for the burning eyes.
  10. My veg gardens are as loose and dry as the surface of a sand dune and they are too big to water using our well.
  11. Some of us may see smoke from a wildfire in NC Saturday morning.
  12. I tilled my 100'x24' garden today. The soil was more dry than I ever remember for this time in the spring. At least the soil, now tilled can retain more rain as it occurs. With this prelude, I am wondering what is in store for us this summer.
  13. Beautiful picture! Years ago I made crab mallets out of a cherry tree branch for family members which was great until the discovery that cherry bark contains arsenic. That was not my intended message.
  14. Do you use a seed incubator? The tomato seeds and especially the pepper seeds need warm soil (75F) to germinate. I use a string of incandescent Christmas lights sandwiched between large, metal cooking trays, under an insulating hood with grow lights.
  15. Never put your WX station above a heat vent or hot car engine.
  16. Not wishing for carnage but would enjoy some wx energy to replace this wx drama.
  17. I could not force open a door against that wind pressure on the upwind side of my building in Sparks during that surge. In hindsight that was probably a good thing.
  18. Multiple trees down around Sparks Md. blocked all possible paths for a few hours today. Good to finally be home.
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