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Everything posted by eyewall

  1. I went up to the mountains on Friday and it was abysmal in most spots. There were pockets of color, but a lot of trees are just browning out. Many had quite a bit of leaf drop as already noted. Definitely a lot of disappointed tourists I am sure. Here are a few shots:
  2. Is there any sign of a foliage season in the NC mountains or is it a complete dud? The reports I have seen sound pretty dismal.
  3. Not this year. It is a failed foliage season in western NC for now. The highest elevations are dull and browning out with leaf drop. Below that, the color doesn't seem to want to go and is over 2 weeks behind at this point. Not sure if there will be much of anything but going from green to brown as the leaves drop off.
  4. I remember getting some great snowliage shots in the Notch on a couple of occasions. 10/17/2015 was a good one:
  5. Yep no power here in the Mordecai area. It was an exciting hour or so. Sudden bursts of 50+
  6. Pretty boring in Raleigh so far. We will see what these backside winds do if they materialize here.
  7. I am happy I got to shoot some fantastic color in the ADK's as apparently indications are it will be a failed season in the NC Blue Ridge. Too warm and too much rain.
  8. It is looking like a similar vibrance to what I saw in the High Peaks!
  9. One more drone and some ground:
  10. Some stills from my foliage adventure on 9/28 and 10/1. More to come soon (Note: these are facebook resolution which kills quality a touch):
  11. No problem! I am just happy I got to see this before having to go back to NC. If this is any indication, it could become real vibrant in other areas changing quickly now!
  12. Straight out of the camera drone clip from North Elba in the ADK's on 10.1.2018 as I detoured on my back to NC:
  13. The weather wasn't really there for a truly visually compelling wide shot but I did this quick before departing for NC. This was near North Elba before getting to Lake Placid in the ADK's off 73 on 10.1.2018 (not processed, straight from the drone camera):
  14. Nearing peak now in the high peaks of the ADK's
  15. I am on the road home but detoured over to the high peaks region of the adks and wow what a change in just a few days. High color to hear peak near North Elba by Lake Placid. I will have a clip later on from a rainy drone flight
  16. There was better color farther up the road from this but I couldn't pass up the lighting here (shot on 9/28). This is straight out of the camera with no edits:
  17. The best color was farther up the road from where I shot this but I couldn't pass up the lighting due to the cloud movements. This is straight from the camera without edits:
  18. I hope so. On a side note I went over to the ADK's yesterday and the color is quite a bit further along there. There were some pockets in the high peaks region outside of Lake Placid at Moderate to High Color just below the evergreens.
  19. Yeah you guys will get hammered but hey I did get a 30 inch storm before leaving I plan on making a Feb ski trip as well.
  20. I had to move back to NC in June for my fiancee. I am not thrilled about having to have left but I am happy to have her. I will miss snow.
  21. The fall colors are a touch late because I am up for a visit LOL with my Mavic 2 Pro.
  22. Sustained TS conditions in Fayetteville, NC (40 mph with 55 mph gusts).
  23. A look at the causeway from Colchester to South Hero VT following the storms last week:
  24. Leaf out is definitely happening at a rapid pace here in the CPV. It can be like a 2nd foliage season in some ways.
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