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Everything posted by eyewall

  1. NEVER I repeat NEVER depend on backend snows in central NC. That is the dreaded cold chasing the moisture. The only time that works out is when you already grab some accumulation in the WAA phase.
  2. The failboat is already here on this one for RDU. See you in the sanitarium. This will be a mountains/NW Piedmont event at best.
  3. That is true. The drone shots would be good
  4. I'll pass on that.
  5. Yes I would agree with that.
  6. I would say if you are outside of the mountains and the far northern part of the Triad is just about game over on this one.
  7. Yeah I think outside the mountains this will be a non-event. Just more rain for the most part.
  8. Raleigh a couple of days into the New Year:
  9. Here are a few more shots from our southern snow in NC. The Durham total at my place was somewhere around 9 or 10 inches but the depth never exceeded 7 due to the mixing. Obviously the snow here is not air fluff either. The last two shots are Raleigh on day 2 of the storm with mixing and not Durham. Raleigh got considerably less snow. Anyway I hope to get up there for a couple of ski days on a visit this winter. I miss it for sure:
  10. A few more drone shots (Raleigh ones are 12.10):
  11. You do realize that in this region getting more than a single event a season is pretty rare right? At least an event that is worthwhile anyway.
  12. Thank you! Just northwest of me saw 14" and plenty of areas of a foot or more in the Triad which is very rare in these parts. The unfortunate thing is the rain after that. The high terrain got a couple of feet.
  13. Picked up 6-7 here in Durham, NC:
  14. These were taken after the change to freezing rain/sleet in Durham (Facebook resolution):
  15. Looks like north of 6 inches now here in southwest Durham. I am in a wooded area so there is less under some trees but everything is pasted nicely. The road surfaces also had around half that amount:
  16. Every shift will tweak it a bit. It is wait and see time.
  17. Yeah down here this will be a disaster. Hundreds of thousands of power outages too, especially wherever a period of ZR occurs. The infrastructure can't handle it with little in the way of snow removal equipment. It will be high impact if it pans out.
  18. It is not often that you see a map like this down here:
  19. I will generate a second call map today.
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