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Everything posted by snowman19

  1. The setup isn’t going to allow that to happen though. The Upton disco touched on just that. And last night was a total dumpster fire bust a rama. Why people thought it was going to snow with those soundings, even up by me is just mind boggling
  2. For us. I don’t care about the mid-Atlantic nor was I talking about them. It’s an obvious poor setup for us, Upton agrees. And it doesn’t matter that it’s colder, it’s irrelevant, read their disco they explain the bad setup very well
  3. Guys, FYI the new Euro is only showing 1-2 inches across the metro for Wednesday/Thursday. And that’s both 10:1 and Kuchera, same output
  4. Upton isn’t buying anything more than 1-2 inches for the entire metro area and for good reason. Their new disco just came out. This is another poor setup for us. 1-2 inches is a best case scenario IMO and we may very well only see a trace. Upton’s Disco: https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=OKX&issuedby=OKX&product=AFD&format=CI&version=1&glossary=1&highlight=off
  5. 31 degrees here in Sloatsburg, intermittent very light snow/sleet showers, not even a dusting or coating. The radar looks like everything is about to end totally. New HRRR is less than a half inch of snow. Heading to bed, goodnight. Edit: All rain now 12:15
  6. If the new HRRR is right, we are getting less than an inch of snow, total. I’m talking maybe a half inch: https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=hrrr&region=neus&pkg=asnowd&runtime=2019021800&fh=16
  7. I’m 37 degrees here in Sloatsburg. The NAM and HRRR want nothing to do with tonight. https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=namconus&region=neus&pkg=asnowd&runtime=2019021718&fh=36
  8. I guess Upton is buying the NAM and HRRR, they just dropped Rockland County to 1-3 inches
  9. The entire EPS run into the 1st week of March looks bad for snowstorms and it’s not even cold, just seasonable. Looks straight zonal and semi-zonal, still -PNA and it shows a severely positive NAO at the end of the run
  10. The remainder of February is a lost cause and IMO March is above normal for temps, below normal for snow. I see no reason to deviate from my thoughts and I already went over the reasons for my thinking. Nothing has changed IMO
  11. The NAM is nowhere near 4-6+ for the area, not even close. Don’t use the 10:1 ratio maps that count sleet as snow, they are grossly inaccurate, real bad. Here is the actual, unbiased snowmap for the new NAM run: https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=namconus&region=neus&pkg=asnowd&runtime=2019021700&fh=60
  12. https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=namconus&region=neus&pkg=asnowd&runtime=2019021618&fh=63
  13. I tried telling you yesterday. Horrible setup yet again. I wasn’t saying it to troll. When we have a good setup I’ll say it. I don’t like tomorrow night either for the reasons you said about the Euro. I think it shifts north IMO
  14. Slop to all rain setup once again, only this time the antecedent air mass isn’t as cold. It is not favorable for this storm either
  15. The EPS has sucked this winter just like all the others. Don’t hold your breath. Wednesday’s setup looks horrible, yet again, as has this entire winter
  16. Besides the models sucking horribly in the long range this entire winter, I have reasons for believing that March is not going to be cold or snowy, wrote my reasons a couple of posts above this, just before. Until something proves to me otherwise, I’m going with below normal snowfall and above normal temps for March
  17. Once again, the GEFS shows the pattern changing on March 1st. The EPS and GEPS show it, but delay it until further into the 1st week of March. Does anyone believe it this time? I sure don’t. There have been head fakes from the models in the long term showing a cold and snow pattern here that has never materialized since mid November. Mirages for months now. Same song and dance over and over
  18. The things that separate this March from the past few, the +QBO has now descended into the bottom of the stratosphere and is gaining strength, and the stratospheric polar vortex is projected to get very strong, very cold and stratospheric winds are also forecasted to get very strong come March 1st. IMO this all supports a +NAM (+AO/+NAO) March
  19. Yep, the models continue the strong -PNA right into the first few days of March
  20. You just dismissed it last week. One day you’re a weenie, the next day you’re cancelling winter. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  21. All light freezing rain now, sleets done, precip just lightened quite a bit here after the changeover
  22. I’m just going to freezing rain now, still a bit of sleet mixed in, I’m just to the north of you in Rockland. 26 degrees
  23. Look at the snowmaps. Did you follow my links? It’s carbon copies of each other
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