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Everything posted by snowman19

  1. Yea, how JB actually thinks 1/6-1/12 is a great pattern for east coast snowstorms is beyond mystifying. Twilight Zone right there, I’m expecting Rod Serling to come out any minute smoking his cigarette
  2. Not to worry, I’m sure we’ll go into deep winter once the calendar flips to March. Same repeating pattern progression over and over again
  3. I do too but if I’m a betting man, March is colder than normal and most likely so is April. For whatever reason and I do believe climate change is playing some role, the -AO/-NAO shows up like clockwork around mid to late March and locks in. You can set your watch to it
  4. The other tendency is for -NAO/-AO blocks to form in mid to late March and lock in through the end of April
  5. I’m also willing to bet that March is a freezer. It’s become a yearly tradition. May be climate change related in the Pacific tropical forcing, with the wavelengths shortening at that time but there is a huge tendency for both November and March to be cold/very cold months the last several years
  6. The GFS long range phantom cold and blocking bias is glaring, like really bad and has been for several years
  7. Over the last few years, regardless of ENSO state, there is been a strong tendency for both November and March to be colder to much colder than normal on the east coast, maybe just coincidence?
  8. Actually no one thought March was going to end up below normal in late February last year, since your memory is good enough for you to remember specific dates of my posts (which is quite frightening, creepy, weird stalker status), I’m sure you remember every model at that time showing raging zonal flow/RNA for March. It didn’t change until early March....
  9. So far, Isotherm’s winter forecast has been the most accurate....
  10. Deep winter should show up in March as per usual for the last several winters lol March has become the new January
  11. Tomorrow, Thurs, Fri, Sat are going to be brutally cold. Legit arctic outbreak
  12. Yea I’m going to go with loss of power/heat on that lol
  13. Well, if the 10:1 ratio maps are showing that little, it means virtually no snow and all ice. But you go ahead and root for an ice storm. I hope you loose power for days on end through the cold snap after and your pipes all burst :-)
  14. Ditto for the HRDPS, under an inch. The 12K and 3K NAM are barely 2 inches up here. HRDPS: https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=hrdps&region=neus&pkg=asnow&runtime=2019121618&fh=42 12K: https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=namconus&region=neus&pkg=asnowd&runtime=2019121618&fh=42 3K: https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=nam3km&region=neus&pkg=asnowd&runtime=2019121618&fh=42
  15. The new RGEM just went way north on the snow accumulations, even the 10:1 ratio map shows barely an inch even up in Rockland County. The RGEM is normally too cold. https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=rgem&region=neus&pkg=asnow&runtime=2019121618&fh=40
  16. People need to look at the sounding on the NAM, that’s definitely not snow north and west of the city, there is a very pronounced mid-level warm nose. Verbatim, that’s a nasty ice storm NW of NYC if correct
  17. Yea that initial WAA moisture slug just dies. The frontogen forcing completely collapses as it approaches the area tomorrow. The new RGEM shows it really well, it barely has an inch of snow in my neck of the woods now
  18. This. Those 10:1 ratio maps are way, way overdone. Showing sleet as snow. In reality it’s barely an inch of snow up here and less than an inch for city
  19. Just yesterday morning, Joe Bastardi was hyping tomorrow into Tuesday as a 3-6 inch event with amounts up to 8 inches in NYC. Now, it’s a 1-2 inches of snow and sleet event even up here in Rockland, less than an inch for NYC
  20. WWA for Rockland, 1-2 inches of snow and sleet, followed by freezing rain/ice accumulation
  21. Either the GFS/GEFS is going to score a rare coup or it’s going to bust horribly. The Euro/EPS, CMC/GEPS and UKMET are in agreement with a completely different solution with that low in the Great Lakes
  22. The NAM wants nothing to do with it. It’s now showing half an inch of snow total, even up here. https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=namconus&region=neus&pkg=asnowd&runtime=2019121512&fh=81
  23. Yea, the 10:1 ratio snowmaps aren’t going to work for this one either. There’s a lot of sleet in there getting counted as snow and the ratios are lower than 10:1 again. This isn’t a deep arctic airmass in place Monday and the models always underestimate the mid-level WAA/warm nose until the last minute
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