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Everything posted by CAPE

  1. pick a vowel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  2. Thats the alternate form! You are red hot though lol Think- more annoying than that one.
  3. Just saw a "coming down hot and heavy" ob.. getting close then... soon it will be ______ _______ !!
  4. I'ts typically said in jubilation, when under a death band. That weird kid from Dover used to say it(even when it wasn't happening)...and it used to make me want to punch him more than usual.
  5. Its kinda like Bud vs Bud light. But dont drink either one.
  6. UHI. If its cold aloft, snow will fall. Surface will cool.
  7. Oh its gonna happen. Not until its legit snowing though. See if my yard can manage to find the anti-snow hole for once this winter lol.
  8. Check on that one. Didn't take long lol.
  9. A snow ob. 2 words.. The thought of it makes me cringe lol
  10. Time to switch to coffee stout. It's whats for breakfast!
  11. So who is gonna be that guy- the one that utters the most obnoxious phrase in snow obs history..
  12. Still an interesting h5 look for mid to late next week on the EPS. Overall days 7+ will have cold around, SE ridge weakens then disappears, and the boundary is further SE. Seeing indications of more coastals on the EPS ens members through the D 7-12 period. GEFS also looks cold, and from day 7 on has +precip anomalies along the Gulf and SE coast, and slightly negative departures MW and Ohio Valley.
  13. I worked yesterday, so I will take my holiday tomorrow and watch whatever stuff happens to fall from the sky. Hopefully some will be snow.
  14. Just add those 3 totals and divide by 10 and that gives you a general idea of what fell in your yard back then.
  15. Mentioned it this morning after the 0z run. Looked Miller B-ish to me on the mean and glancing through the members. Its a ways off, so this may evolve, but this period looks kind of interesting to me.
  16. Yeah and its not out of nowhere. Been seeing it on op runs for days now, and recent runs of the GEFS have been suggesting it. I know the period has looked a bit dry on the ensembles, but like I said earlier, it will be March, so get cold intrusions like that and storms usually come.
  17. Lol.. Damn. I was just wearing my weenie hat- the one that says MARCH SNOW SUCKS IT MELTS AN HOUR AFTER IT STOPS. One of Ji's favs.
  18. Look up north at all the 1037Hs lined up. I think the Army of the Dead is coming.
  19. Agree. I still think next week might surprise.
  20. Ok snow on snow is acceptable. I would forgo the brutal cold for that. Two snowstorms then it can go right to 70.
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