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Everything posted by CAPE

  1. Gotta admit, I kinda chucked at this for some reason.
  2. I couldn't care less if the roads are wet or snow covered. Not a schoolboy looking for early dismissal. If there is a foot of snow on all other surfaces and the roads are just wet, that's F'ing perfect. Well it would be without all the damn road salt.
  3. RR trying too hard. Kraft is a scum ball. Enough said. NFL conduct standards- do they really apply to the owners the same as the players? They should be higher. We shall see.
  4. Isn't this dude worth like 7 bn? Da fuk is he doing in some sleazy day spa in Florida?
  5. It was fine lol. But Ji would be like- cutters and sliders and it didn't give us a flake!
  6. Lol Robert Kraft. Patriot haters(most of the world) are gonna have a field day with this.
  7. There continues to be a signal for a coastal, maybe a legit miller A, for around the 2nd. Lots of moving parts and timing involved as usual, especially with the TPV lobes rotating down.
  8. Some of us actually know how to use the guidance as a tool, and understand they are not a means for instant gratification. The Ji freak outs are because he wants the latter.
  9. That's pretty good stuff. 5.2 and 2.7 are the biggest events for me.
  10. Hard to get tired of something I have only had one of. Unless its something like Murphy's Stout.
  11. I have liked the chance of a sneaky event mid-late next week. There have been hints on the ops and the ensembles. Most likely it would be on the light side and probably favor coastal areas just to the NE of our region, but worth keeping an eye on.
  12. You mean over the next 6 days? This is hardly a shocking development.
  13. I'm about to get busy at work. Will be teaching classes all day for the next couple weeks. I will be looking forward to your @ CAPE posts to keep me updated on the latest model fantasies, or disasters. Reel me in a legit snowstorm for once this winter.
  14. No need for AA drinking that stuff. Its practically non-alcoholic. Imagine drinking 6 of those things.
  15. Yeah I didn't think about the possibility of starting a mini panic when I made that post lol. In all seriousness, we do want some degree of suppression, and we want to see some southern sliders in the mix at range. It would be kinda 'funny' though if this is our last hurrah and it ends up another NC hit. Would make it a bookend season for them.
  16. Yeah I noticed that. Of course given there likely will be TPV lobes in the neighborhood during this period, we certainly wouldn't want to end our winter the same way it started.
  17. 0z EPS has a pretty decent signal for a coastal low March 2-3 time frame. Glancing through the members, the mid next week deal is there, but minor/weak for the most part. For March 2-3 there are some decent hits and near misses among the members. Not a bad signal for 9 days out.
  18. No dice on the big snowstorm from the 12z run for the following weekend though- too much separation between the NS and SS energy, so just a blob of rain that slides off the SE coast. Minor details on an op run at range lol. Plenty of potential for this period.
  19. 0z Euro more energetic with the NS shortwave for mid/late next week. Pops a little surface low off the coast and clips NE part of our region, gives southern/central NJ a few inches of snow this run.
  20. Today was a nickel I guess lol. 1.0" Total 10.6"
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