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  2. 2 years ago tomorrow we started a very impressive 4-day stretch of 90s with high humidity. That included a few days where we reached 96, with heat indices near 105. DVN hit 97 on the 12th. That was almost as impressive as the infamous morch stretch to me. What was most impressive is that the high temps were associated with dews AOA 70. Usually to get temps that high this early in the year you'd need very dry air in place.
  3. the high tomorrow barely reaching the 50's. That has to be the coldest high temp I've seen this late in May in a decade or more. Have to turn on the heat maybe. The extensive virga today was a no laughing matter. We finally have some rain now. I can breathe again. Where in the hell are my t-storms? A mid spring without t- storms is like having ten snow virga events in a row. Fustrating
  4. This solar max is extremely impressive in terms of sunspots, solar flares and now geomag activity. This is the highest geomag activity we’ve seen since the early 2000’s:
  5. That's truly perplexing. Maybe there's a sweet spot for number and spacing of sondes?
  6. Almost up to 1/2" for the day. A nice soaker in a fairly wet week. Hard to find a dry day in the day 5 (on the GFS.)
  7. Nice line of showers and thunderstorms lined up from Cumberland MD to Snowshoe to Beckley WV heading east.
  8. Getting pounded like Jenna Jameson right now.
  9. I've noticed a trend of 'running high' last 6-8 months for my location too. 84 forecasted, 77.8 actual today.
  10. most people i saw in the city did wear jackets even thick jackets...
  11. Not even close up here. We can’t get a month even near normal. It’s worth noting that the past 6 months of ridiculous temperature departures are based off the most recent normals, which were stepwise warmer than the old normals. So these departures would be solidly higher than they have been if compared against the past 30-year dataset we knew in the 2010s. This first 30% of May… BTV… +5.1 MVL… +5.0 MPV… +4.9 Yet another month in progress that will be a torch. Champlain Valley to interior sites east of the Spine. Radiator or not. Doesn’t matter. It’s +5 through the first third of May. Not even close to normal or below. +8 to +10 over winter months has mellowed to +5. A true below normal pattern would make folks think an ice age is coming.
  12. Raining Apes over here! A whole Kingdom of 'em.
  13. Looks like some electricity with the cells near Hagerstown.
  14. Only close to the shore. Most of us are above normal through 5/8 with BOS below while ORH, BDL are solidly above. PVD is -0.7. Also, weren’t you mild Monday and Tuesday? Like +5-10 for maximum temps?
  15. Thought this would be worthwhile for the discussion. A classmate of mine has a new publication coming out that focuses on ozone as a potential indicator for ENSO change.
  16. Anyone debating an aurora chase tomorrow night? Tempted to go NW to the mountains if the forecast holds. edit: just saw the cloud cover forecast. Hopefully it last through Saturday night lol
  17. It caved, rain here. If winter...we would have be tortured for 6 hours plus. 57F/Rain
  18. that's a pony-up there, auth easy 30-50k
  19. First mow of the season today. Bit of a dandelion massacre.
  20. Shut ‘em down, ha. This evening at 5pm I found myself on Spruce Peak with the dog. Looking over at the fabled Nosedive. Nosedive is holding in there for 1,300 vertical feel, but the lower 700 feet (out of view) becomes a problem. Especially the lower 400 feet. It’s crazy that snow is only made on this trail for like a 4-day period during the winter. Just a single snowmaking run during a midweek period to build the base. I’ve always wondered how this trail would be with the Superstar treatment. It would last a long time. You think the natural snowpack is getting to 7-8 feet, add in multiple weeks of snowmaking and this top 1,300 verts would make it to June every year.
  21. I mean maybe if the autographs were real?
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