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May Banter Thread


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Where you going? Fishing lakes in Greenville?

<Loving the cool breeze today. <Won't have to sweat all night after the wife sneaks

the thermo to... "Sweat, Jim... 'til you end up in Hades."

I might try to do a little carp fishing at the paylakes somewhere around here.

I love this weather , have every window and door open!

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Guess I learned something new today.

The Clockwise-Spinning Tornado. http://www.macon.com/2014/05/16/3101846/weather-service-rare-clockwise.html?sp=/99/100/&ihp=1

In Georgia, no less.

I expect the poles to reverse and my lost dog return any day now.

Was probly in Waycross , everything is bassackwards down there! :)
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But wanting severe weather means wanting weather capable of causing death and destruction, which is all I said. Forget about himself. That type of weather puts others, including his wife and child(ren), in increased danger. Brick complains so much about so many types of wx, including beneficial rain without severe that so many here want for their lawns, dry cold that some like, etc. Complain, complain, complain ad nauseum. Then when there were tornadoes in the RDU area earlier this season, he even made negative posts because of the danger as if he suddenly didn't want them. So, complaining again! Whine, whine, whine. Well, which is it? Does he or does he not want severe? Even though it doesn't increase the chance of it occurring, though he at least appears to be very honest in saying he is hoping for severe wx, and despite this being a wx bb, it also shows he's selfish, a bit of a hypocrite (since he acted like he didn't like those nearby tornadoes), and insensitive in voicing that desire.

So many of his posts are whiney. Yes, I'm whining about him. But I rarely whine. I'm whining about a whiner here.

Ha! I hear ya man!

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Ha! I hear ya man!


Despite my rant about his overall whining and inconsistency about severe, I actually have and still do kind of like Brick, which may sound inconsistent. I've been a strong supporter of Brick to be WOTY for several years. He very much deserves that title as he is a champ in that dept. I think of him as a Nicklaus/Tiger/Jordan/Brady/Connors/Borg/Ryan/Aaron all put together for a weenie. He does generate a lot of activity here! I'm sure many of us would miss him if he stopped posting and this bb wouldn't be the same without him. It is just whining and hypocrisy are 2 of my pet peeves and I sometimes let out my frustrations even about a likeable guy. Actually, he's not the first whiner against whom I've whined. I guess maybe I'm a whiner about whiners lol? Maybe I'm just confused? Am I a hypocrite about Brick? I like him but just ranted about his whining. If I'm a hypocrite, I may need to whine about myself being a whiner and hypocrite about my feelings about Brick lol.

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Despite my rant about his overall whining and inconsistency about severe, I actually have and still do kind of like Brick, which may sound inconsistent. I've been a strong supporter of Brick to be WOTY for several years. He very much deserves that title as he is a champ in that dept. I think of him as a Nicklaus/Tiger/Jordan/Brady/Connors/Borg/Ryan/Aaron all put together for a weenie. He does generate a lot of activity here! I'm sure many of us would miss him if he stopped posting and this bb wouldn't be the same without him. It is just whining and hypocrisy are 2 of my pet peeves and I sometimes let out my frustrations even about a likeable guy. Actually, he's not the first whiner against whom I've whined. I guess maybe I'm a whiner about whiners lol? Maybe I'm just confused? Am I a hypocrite about Brick? I like him but just ranted about his whining. If I'm a hypocrite, I may need to whine about myself being a whiner and hypocrite about my feelings about Brick lol.

Haha! I think there are many folks who whine about Brick, me included. But I agree...I like Brick too. Still waiting for Metal and Mack to come up and take us on in some ball. :whistle:

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The rooting for hurricanes/blizzards/tornados vs death and destruction argument comes up every now and then in the main thread. I've never seen it produce anything but a lot of drama and hurt feelings. Since this is the banter thread, I suggest we move on to more "banterish" topics.

For instance.

What do you call a beautiful woman on a meteorologist's arm?

A tattoo.

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Me and metal would put up a good fight on the basketball court, but I challenge all comers to a chicken wing eating competition!

If you're in on the Dumb and Dumber trip, we can go eat wings somewhere. I am by no means accepting your challenge here, since I wouldn't have a chance. But eating wings is never a bad thing! :)

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Came to ATL today. Awesome walking evening here. I didn't expect it to already be down to 60!

 Larry, if you brought this cool with you, please come to Atlanta twice/three times a month all summer!!  When you are walking the beach eating ice cream, if's gwad awful hot around here, and I don't like it one little bit.  This weekend is much closer to the perfect summer weather for me, just so you have a template to work from, lol.  A perfect summer day has 60 for a high and 43 for a low, with rain, and mucho clouds before and after :)  The coming Katla eruption may give me that....and possibly, a year later, the elusive June snow.  Meanwhile, I'll take some of your weather magic... T

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Guess I learned something new today.

The Clockwise-Spinning Tornado.  http://www.macon.com/2014/05/16/3101846/weather-service-rare-clockwise.html?sp=/99/100/&ihp=1

In Georgia, no less.


I expect the poles to reverse and my lost dog to return any day now.

While unusual, and rarely over 0 in intensity, it's when the water goes down the drain the wrong way that you need to worry.  That will intensify the clockwise tornado, when it coincides with mass bass ackwards tub draining  :)  T

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Despite my rant about his overall whining and inconsistency about severe, I actually have and still do kind of like Brick, which may sound inconsistent. I've been a strong supporter of Brick to be WOTY for several years. He very much deserves that title as he is a champ in that dept. I think of him as a Nicklaus/Tiger/Jordan/Brady/Connors/Borg/Ryan/Aaron all put together for a weenie. He does generate a lot of activity here! I'm sure many of us would miss him if he stopped posting and this bb wouldn't be the same without him. It is just whining and hypocrisy are 2 of my pet peeves and I sometimes let out my frustrations even about a likeable guy. Actually, he's not the first whiner against whom I've whined. I guess maybe I'm a whiner about whiners lol? Maybe I'm just confused? Am I a hypocrite about Brick? I like him but just ranted about his whining. If I'm a hypocrite, I may need to whine about myself being a whiner and hypocrite about my feelings about Brick lol.

You may be a confused Brickocrit, Larry.  So sorry :)  Eat some ice cream and it will be all better, lol. Tony

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Questions Arctic:


What happens to water when you turn on the sink disposal at the North Pole?


Can you really hop around in a little circle in all time zones before the shifting ice

takes you from "ground zero".  


Why is the ice "blue"?


Will the summer ice continue to melt... or, is it building again?


What is the most north latitude that things live.  It varies by continents.

As a human, how far north can you go in the Americas, before you realize

that there is 'no food'.?


<>Seeking a nice, fat Eskimo (good teeth).  Kind soul, warm body. Smiles, when

she can't understand what I'm saying.  Book it. 

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