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Crapper Jim

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Everything posted by Crapper Jim

  1. Damn, I admire Mack. I don't actually get to eat. My new wife is a perpetual dieter (the kind that gets fatter everyday).... and she hates cheese. She hates most foods that don't taste like corrugated cardboard. She eats tons of that. <Been 15 years since I made my famous 20lb. Lasagna! Ohhh... I wanna do a big fish fry!! Wife doesn't like fish, lasagna. I wanna do another shrimp-chicken gumbo! Country-Style Steak w/ Gravy. Liver. Anything with Mushrooms!!! Wife won't eat mushrooms or liver... or American Gravy. Chicken-a-la-king! Ahhhhh!!! Wife won't eat peppers. I'd sell my soul to a woman that likes.... ... anything, at all? -Sorry, I'm hungry.
  2. Big Mack, If this were a picture of your 'real lunch'... there'd also be 3 buckets of Sweet Tea, a 120-Piece McNugget... .. and some fries (some of them stolen from trays adjacent to your seat). Also, Ronald MacDonald would personally be in the photo - Thanking you for continuing to keep the franchise successful in hard times. Edit: Snow Peas, as mentioned by Calc? I see some battered and deep-fried gummy worms, zucchini (at the top). I think the peas, in fact, are french style green beans. Doesn't matter... I have no teeth. I'd just chop 'n mash. All the same.
  3. My brother-in-law. Handsome guy! Testing Photobucket link: Worked! Chose "Image Code." Uncle Scott. Found a photo of myself my bride took while I was in Bristol, UK a few years ago! Darn... I looked Good back then!
  4. Without having to research... what's best place to post photos so that they can be posted here? Tried a couple of my traditional places - but AW can't seem to upload. Sorry for my laziness... but, I'm just plain lazy. EDIT: I like it when mature women let their hair go gray.
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