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New England forum 11/12 snow predictions

Ginx snewx

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KWXFELLA- Boston 68 inches

KPOWDAHFREAK- Stowe Vt 134 inches

KWXWATCHER- Keene, NH 92 inches

KALLENSON- Corinth VT 124 inches

KDENDRITE- Northfield NH 121 inches

KTUBES- Dobbs Ferry NY 38 inches

KSOCKS- Rindge NH 113 inches

KMEKSTER- Gray Maine 98 inches

KDRYSLUT- Lewiston Maine 115 inches

KMAINEJAYHAWK- Limington, Maine 101 inches

KTAMARACK- New Sharon Maine 132 inches

KTOOT- Somewhere in Buttfook Maine 165 inches

KLOGAN- Knox NY 95 inches

KMONEYPIT MIKE- Shelburne Mass 88 inches

KSKIMRG- West Chesterfield Mass 103 inches

KWEATHERX- Norwalk CT 65 inches

KGRINCH- Shelton CT 62 inches

KLIBATIONS- Fairfield, CT 48 inches

KWIZ KCTRAIN- West Hartford CT 61 inches

KCOLLINSVILLE- Collinsville, ct 74 inches

KCTBLIZZ- Tolland Ct 77 inches

KCOASTAL RI- Westerly RI 44 inches

KNECT- Woodstock, CT 70 inches

KMATTMFER- Providence, RI 52 inches

KTAUNTON BOB- Taunton, Ma 58 inches

KAMYB- Blackstone, MA 66 inches

KWILL- Worcester Mass 88 inches

KHUBBDAVE- Hubbardstown, Mass 97 inches

K40/70- Wilmington, Mass 81 inches

KCOASTALWX-Dorchester Mass 65 inches

KCCWEATHER.NET- Cape Cod Mass 44 inches

KMESSENGER- Plymouth Mass 52 inches

KSCITUATE- Scituate Mass 53 inches

KGINX- Moosup-CT 60 inches




KWXWATCHER- Keene, NH 97.5

KALLENSON- Corinth VT 108

KDENDRITE- Northfield NH 99

KTUBES- Dobbs Ferry NY 35.5

KSOCKS- Rindge NH 106.5

KMEKSTER- Gray Maine 100.5

KDRYSLUT- Lewiston Maine 96.5

KMAINEJAYHAWK- Limington, Maine 94.5

KTAMARACK- New Sharon Maine 113

KTOOT- Somewhere in Buttfook Maine 131

KLOGAN- Knox NY 114.5

KMONEYPIT MIKE- Shelburne Mass 102.5

KSKIMRG- West Chesterfield Mass 132.5

KWEATHERX- Norwalk CT 36.5

KGRINCH- Shelton CT 65

KLIBATIONS- Fairfield, CT 37.5

KWIZ KCTRAIN- West Hartford CT 64

KCOLLINSVILLE- Collinsville, ct 72.5

KCTBLIZZ- Tolland Ct 84.5

KCOASTAL RI- Westerly RI 47.5

KNECT- Woodstock, CT 72

KMATTMFER- Providence, RI 74.5

KTAUNTON BOB- Taunton, Ma 64

KAMYB- Blackstone, MA 81

KWILL- Worcester Mass 98.5

KHUBBDAVE- Hubbardstown, Mass 99.5

K40/70- Wilmington, Mass 88.5

KCOASTALWX-Dorchester Mass 76

KCCWEATHER.NET- Cape Cod Mass 38

KMESSENGER- Plymouth Mass 42

KSCITUATE- Scituate Mass 56

KGINX- Moosup-CT 61




KWXFELLA- Boston 50 inches

KPOWDAHFREAK- Stowe Vt 105 inches

KWXWATCHER- Keene, NH 78 inches

KALLENSON- Corinth VT 100 inches

KDENDRITE- Northfield NH 90 inches

KTUBES- Dobbs Ferry NY 27 inches

KSOCKS- Rindge NH 85 inches

KMEKSTER- Gray Maine 75 inches

KDRYSLUT- Lewiston Maine 90 inches

KMAINEJAYHAWK- Limington, Maine 80 inches

KTAMARACK- New Sharon Maine 110 inches

KTOOT- Somewhere in Buttfook Maine 120 inches

KLOGAN- Knox NY 80 inches

KMONEYPIT MIKE- Shelburne Mass 68 inches

KSKIMRG- West Chesterfield Mass 82 inches

KWEATHERX- Norwalk CT 48 inches

KGRINCH- Shelton CT 40 inches

KLIBATIONS- Fairfield, CT 38 inches

KWIZ KCTRAIN- West Hartford CT 45 inches

KCOLLINSVILLE- Collinsville, ct 50 inches

KCTBLIZZ- Tolland Ct 59.9 inches

KCOASTAL RI- Westerly RI 30 inches

KNECT- Woodstock, CT 56 inches

KMATTMFER- Providence, RI 35 inches

KTAUNTON BOB- Taunton, Ma 45 inches

KAMYB- Blackstone, MA 50 inches

KWILL- Worcester Mass 65 inches

KHUBBDAVE- Hubbardstown, Mass 69 inches

K40/70- Wilmington, Mass 60 inches

KCOASTALWX-Dorchester Mass 50 inches

KCCWEATHER.NET- Cape Cod Mass 35 inches

KMESSENGER- Plymouth Mass 36 inches

KSCITUATE- Scituate Mass 38 inches

KGINX- Moosup-CT 49 inches


KWXFELLA- Boston 68 inches 75

KPOWDAHFREAK- Stowe Vt 134 inches like it

KWXWATCHER- Keene, NH 92 inches 95

KALLENSON- Corinth VT 124 inches 130

KDENDRITE- Northfield NH 121 inches yes

KTUBES- Dobbs Ferry NY 38 inches 45

KSOCKS- Rindge NH 113 inches yes

KMEKSTER- Gray Maine 98 inches 88

KDRYSLUT- Lewiston Maine 115 inches 95

KMAINEJAYHAWK- Limington, Maine 101 inches 97

KTAMARACK- New Sharon Maine 132 inches yes

KTOOT- Somewhere in Buttfook Maine 165 inches over

KLOGAN- Knox NY 95 inches yes

KMONEYPIT MIKE- Shelburne Mass 88 inches yes

KSKIMRG- West Chesterfield Mass 103 inches 42

KWEATHERX- Norwalk CT 65 inches 42

KGRINCH- Shelton CT 62 inches yes

KLIBATIONS- Fairfield, CT 48 inches 46

KWIZ KCTRAIN- West Hartford CT 61 inches yup

KCOLLINSVILLE- Collinsville, ct 74 inches yes

KCTBLIZZ- Tolland Ct 77 inches good

KCOASTAL RI- Westerly RI 44 inches 52

KNECT- Woodstock, CT 70 inches yes

KMATTMFER- Providence, RI 52 inches 48

KTAUNTON BOB- Taunton, Ma 58 inches 61

KAMYB- Blackstone, MA 66 inches yes

KWILL- Worcester Mass 88 inches 93

KHUBBDAVE- Hubbardstown, Mass 97 inches yes

K40/70- Wilmington, Mass 81 inches yup

KCOASTALWX-Dorchester Mass 65 inches nice

KCCWEATHER.NET- Cape Cod Mass 44 inches 52

KMESSENGER- Plymouth Mass 52 inches yes

KSCITUATE- Scituate Mass 53 inches yes

KGINX- Moosup-CT 60 inches bingo


BDL - 35"

BOS - 40"

PVD - 30"

BDR - 20"

ORH - 55"


KWXFELLA- Boston 54"



KALLENSON- Corinth VT 112"

KDENDRITE- Northfield NH 101"

KTUBES- Dobbs Ferry NY 30"

KSOCKS- Rindge NH 98"

KMEKSTER- Gray Maine 85"

KDRYSLUT- Lewiston Maine 95"

KMAINEJAYHAWK- Limington, Maine 90"

KTAMARACK- New Sharon Maine 105"

KTOOT- Presque Isle Maine 150"

KLOGAN- Knox NY 100"

KMONEYPIT MIKE- Shelburne Mass 90"

KSKIMRG- West Chesterfield Mass 110"

KWEATHERX- Norwalk CT 55"

KGRINCH- Shelton CT 52"

KLIBATIONS- Fairfield, CT 42"

KWIZ KCTRAIN- West Hartford CT 48"

KCOLLINSVILLE- Collinsville, CT 60"

KCTBLIZZ- Tolland Ct 62"

KCOASTAL RI- Westerly RI 34"

KNECT- Woodstock, CT 55"

KMATTMFER- Providence, RI 37"

KTAUNTON BOB- Taunton, Ma 35"

KAMYB- Blackstone, MA 47"

KWILL- Worcester Mass 80"

KHUBBDAVE- Hubbardstown, Mass 78"

K40/70- Wilmington, Mass 66"

KCOASTALWX-Dorchester Mass 52"

KCCWEATHER.NET- Cape Cod Mass 30"

KMESSENGER- Plymouth Mass 41"

KSCITUATE- Scituate Mass 43"

KGINX- Moosup-CT 50"


Brooklyn, CT 66.6

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GINX Weathafella

KWXFELLA- Boston 68 inches 75

KPOWDAHFREAK- Stowe Vt 134 inches 146

KWXWATCHER- Keene, NH 92 inches 100

KALLENSON- Corinth VT 124 inches 142

KDENDRITE- Northfield NH 121 inches 137

KTUBES- Dobbs Ferry NY 38 inches 49

KSOCKS- Rindge NH 113 inches 123

KMEKSTER- Gray Maine 98 inches 119

KDRYSLUT- Lewiston Maine 115 inches 135

KMAINEJAYHAWK- Limington, Maine 101 inches 122

KTAMARACK- New Sharon Maine 132 inches 163

KTOOT- Somewhere in Buttfook Maine 165 inches 186

KLOGAN- Knox NY 95 inches 87

KMONEYPIT MIKE- Shelburne Mass 88 inches 120

KSKIMRG- West Chesterfield Mass 103 inches 340

KWEATHERX- Norwalk CT 65 inches 63

KGRINCH- Shelton CT 62 inches 77

KLIBATIONS- Fairfield, CT 48 inches 48

KWIZ KCTRAIN- West Hartford CT 61 inches 77

KCOLLINSVILLE- Collinsville, ct 74 inches 82

KCTBLIZZ- Tolland Ct 77 inches 90

KCOASTAL RI- Westerly RI 44 inches 57

KNECT- Woodstock, CT 70 inches 77

KMATTMFER- Providence, RI 52 inches 58

KTAUNTON BOB- Taunton, Ma 58 inches 70

KAMYB- Blackstone, MA 66 inches 73

KWILL- Worcester Mass 88 inches 111

KHUBBDAVE- Hubbardstown, Mass 97 inches 101

K40/70- Wilmington, Mass 81 inches 96

KCOASTALWX-Dorchester Mass 65 inches 69

KCCWEATHER.NET- Cape Cod Mass 44 inches 49

KMESSENGER- Plymouth Mass 52 inches 52

KSCITUATE- Scituate Mass 53 inches 59

KGINX- Moosup-CT 60 inches 79




KWXWATCHER- Keene, NH 97.5

KALLENSON- Corinth VT 108

KDENDRITE- Northfield NH 99

KTUBES- Dobbs Ferry NY 35.5

KSOCKS- Rindge NH 106.5

KMEKSTER- Gray Maine 100.5

KDRYSLUT- Lewiston Maine 96.5

KMAINEJAYHAWK- Limington, Maine 94.5

KTAMARACK- New Sharon Maine 113

KTOOT- Somewhere in Buttfook Maine 131

KLOGAN- Knox NY 114.5

KMONEYPIT MIKE- Shelburne Mass 102.5

KSKIMRG- West Chesterfield Mass 132.5

KWEATHERX- Norwalk CT 36.5

KGRINCH- Shelton CT 65

KLIBATIONS- Fairfield, CT 37.5

KWIZ KCTRAIN- West Hartford CT 64

KCOLLINSVILLE- Collinsville, ct 72.5

KCTBLIZZ- Tolland Ct 84.5

KCOASTAL RI- Westerly RI 47.5

KNECT- Woodstock, CT 72

KMATTMFER- Providence, RI 74.5

KTAUNTON BOB- Taunton, Ma 64

KAMYB- Blackstone, MA 81

KWILL- Worcester Mass 98.5

KHUBBDAVE- Hubbardstown, Mass 99.5

K40/70- Wilmington, Mass 88.5

KCOASTALWX-Dorchester Mass 76

KCCWEATHER.NET- Cape Cod Mass 38

KMESSENGER- Plymouth Mass 42

KSCITUATE- Scituate Mass 56

KGINX- Moosup-CT 61




KWXFELLA- Boston 50 inches

KPOWDAHFREAK- Stowe Vt 105 inches

KWXWATCHER- Keene, NH 78 inches

KALLENSON- Corinth VT 100 inches

KDENDRITE- Northfield NH 90 inches

KTUBES- Dobbs Ferry NY 27 inches

KSOCKS- Rindge NH 85 inches

KMEKSTER- Gray Maine 75 inches

KDRYSLUT- Lewiston Maine 90 inches

KMAINEJAYHAWK- Limington, Maine 80 inches

KTAMARACK- New Sharon Maine 110 inches

KTOOT- Somewhere in Buttfook Maine 120 inches

KLOGAN- Knox NY 80 inches

KMONEYPIT MIKE- Shelburne Mass 68 inches

KSKIMRG- West Chesterfield Mass 82 inches

KWEATHERX- Norwalk CT 48 inches

KGRINCH- Shelton CT 40 inches

KLIBATIONS- Fairfield, CT 38 inches

KWIZ KCTRAIN- West Hartford CT 45 inches

KCOLLINSVILLE- Collinsville, ct 50 inches

KCTBLIZZ- Tolland Ct 59.9 inches

KCOASTAL RI- Westerly RI 30 inches

KNECT- Woodstock, CT 56 inches

KMATTMFER- Providence, RI 35 inches

KTAUNTON BOB- Taunton, Ma 45 inches

KAMYB- Blackstone, MA 50 inches

KWILL- Worcester Mass 65 inches

KHUBBDAVE- Hubbardstown, Mass 69 inches

K40/70- Wilmington, Mass 60 inches

KCOASTALWX-Dorchester Mass 50 inches

KCCWEATHER.NET- Cape Cod Mass 35 inches

KMESSENGER- Plymouth Mass 36 inches

KSCITUATE- Scituate Mass 38 inches

KGINX- Moosup-CT 49 inches


KWXFELLA- Boston 68 inches 75

KPOWDAHFREAK- Stowe Vt 134 inches like it

KWXWATCHER- Keene, NH 92 inches 95

KALLENSON- Corinth VT 124 inches 130

KDENDRITE- Northfield NH 121 inches yes

KTUBES- Dobbs Ferry NY 38 inches 45

KSOCKS- Rindge NH 113 inches yes

KMEKSTER- Gray Maine 98 inches 88

KDRYSLUT- Lewiston Maine 115 inches 95

KMAINEJAYHAWK- Limington, Maine 101 inches 97

KTAMARACK- New Sharon Maine 132 inches yes

KTOOT- Somewhere in Buttfook Maine 165 inches over

KLOGAN- Knox NY 95 inches yes

KMONEYPIT MIKE- Shelburne Mass 88 inches yes

KSKIMRG- West Chesterfield Mass 103 inches 42

KWEATHERX- Norwalk CT 65 inches 42

KGRINCH- Shelton CT 62 inches yes

KLIBATIONS- Fairfield, CT 48 inches 46

KWIZ KCTRAIN- West Hartford CT 61 inches yup

KCOLLINSVILLE- Collinsville, ct 74 inches yes

KCTBLIZZ- Tolland Ct 77 inches good

KCOASTAL RI- Westerly RI 44 inches 52

KNECT- Woodstock, CT 70 inches yes

KMATTMFER- Providence, RI 52 inches 48

KTAUNTON BOB- Taunton, Ma 58 inches 61

KAMYB- Blackstone, MA 66 inches yes

KWILL- Worcester Mass 88 inches 93

KHUBBDAVE- Hubbardstown, Mass 97 inches yes

K40/70- Wilmington, Mass 81 inches yup

KCOASTALWX-Dorchester Mass 65 inches nice

KCCWEATHER.NET- Cape Cod Mass 44 inches 52

KMESSENGER- Plymouth Mass 52 inches yes

KSCITUATE- Scituate Mass 53 inches yes

KGINX- Moosup-CT 60 inches bingo


BDL - 35"

BOS - 40"

PVD - 30"

BDR - 20"

ORH - 55"


KWXFELLA- Boston 54"



KALLENSON- Corinth VT 112"

KDENDRITE- Northfield NH 101"

KTUBES- Dobbs Ferry NY 30"

KSOCKS- Rindge NH 98"

KMEKSTER- Gray Maine 85"

KDRYSLUT- Lewiston Maine 95"

KMAINEJAYHAWK- Limington, Maine 90"

KTAMARACK- New Sharon Maine 105"

KTOOT- Presque Isle Maine 150"

KLOGAN- Knox NY 100"

KMONEYPIT MIKE- Shelburne Mass 90"

KSKIMRG- West Chesterfield Mass 110"

KWEATHERX- Norwalk CT 55"

KGRINCH- Shelton CT 52"

KLIBATIONS- Fairfield, CT 42"

KWIZ KCTRAIN- West Hartford CT 48"

KCOLLINSVILLE- Collinsville, CT 60"

KCTBLIZZ- Tolland Ct 62"

KCOASTAL RI- Westerly RI 34"

KNECT- Woodstock, CT 55"

KMATTMFER- Providence, RI 37"

KTAUNTON BOB- Taunton, Ma 35"

KAMYB- Blackstone, MA 47"

KWILL- Worcester Mass 80"

KHUBBDAVE- Hubbardstown, Mass 78"

K40/70- Wilmington, Mass 66"

KCOASTALWX-Dorchester Mass 52"

KCCWEATHER.NET- Cape Cod Mass 30"

KMESSENGER- Plymouth Mass 41"

KSCITUATE- Scituate Mass 43"

KGINX- Moosup-CT 50"


Brooklyn, CT 66.6

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Mine are right next to yours..

You keep giving Hubbdave less than me...he is about 15-18 miles north of me at 1070 feet vs my 940 feet. Though he does work in Leominster down around 400 feet, so maybe you got confused with his posts about leominster.

I did beat him last winter though out of sheer luck. :guitar:

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You keep giving Hubbdave less than me...he is about 15-18 miles north of me at 1070 feet vs my 940 feet. Though he does work in Leominster down around 400 feet, so maybe you got confused with his posts about leominster.

I did beat him last winter though out of sheer luck. :guitar:

i kind of get the impression that he's shadowed in some way? Alot of those guesses are for places I no nothing about.....lol..

I'm serious however about the big climo sites.

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i kind of get the impression that he's shadowed in some way? Alot of those guesses are for places I no nothing about.....lol..

I'm serious however about the big climo sites.

No, he's not really west enough to get shadowed, he does well there. He doesn't get it on the chin quite like Princeton does, but still usually does better than me. But I do understand that a lot of these places you aren't familiar with...hell even a few I'm not very comfortable with.

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No, he's not really west enough to get shadowed, he does well there. He doesn't get it on the chin quite like Princeton does, but still usually does better than me. But I do understand that a lot of these places you aren't familiar with...hell even a few I'm not very comfortable with.

Really? You the encyclopedia of snow? The Sultan of Snow? SOS?

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Only 25 more for BDL and 48 more for Will? Think about it if it did not snow in Oct you would have predicted 25 for BDL and 48 for ORH, you can change!

Well what I did was just take the snowfall totals from my analog years then divided by three then added another 5-6'' on to my totals since the winter of 1984-1985 sucked and I don't think it will be THAT bad.

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No, he's not really west enough to get shadowed, he does well there. He doesn't get it on the chin quite like Princeton does, but still usually does better than me. But I do understand that a lot of these places you aren't familiar with...hell even a few I'm not very comfortable with.

What do folks to the west get shadowed by? The Berks? or the hills near Erving, etc. Due west of me is Templeton and Philipston, and both of those towns do pretty well. Then you hit the Quabbin.

There is a little ridge about a half mile west from my house that is about 1300' and has a pretty steep cliff. The ridge runs sort of SW/NE

Could a small topo feature like that shadow me a little? I wonder what the top of that gets...

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What do folks to the west get shadowed by? The Berks? or the hills near Erving, etc. Due west of me is Templeton and Philipston, and both of those towns do pretty well. Then you hit the Quabbin.

There is a little ridge about a half mile west from my house that is about 1300' and has a pretty steep cliff. The ridge runs sort of SW/NE

Could a small topo feature like that shadow me a little? I wonder what the top of that gets...

The towns that get shadowed are more like Warren, Hardwick, etc...the northern towns are a little better off like Petersham. The shadowing isn't terrible, but its there. It comes from the N ORH hills and monadnocks on easterly and northeasterly winds that we very commonly see during snow events.

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The towns that get shadowed are more like Warren, Hardwick, etc...the northern towns are a little better off like Petersham. The shadowing isn't terrible, but its there. It comes from the N ORH hills and monadnocks on easterly and northeasterly winds that we very commonly see during snow events.

Cool... I will look at your seasonal maps wrt this

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  • 1 month later...


KWXFELLA- Boston 50 inches

KPOWDAHFREAK- Stowe Vt 105 inches

KWXWATCHER- Keene, NH 78 inches

KALLENSON- Corinth VT 100 inches

KDENDRITE- Northfield NH 90 inches

KTUBES- Dobbs Ferry NY 27 inches

KSOCKS- Rindge NH 85 inches

KMEKSTER- Gray Maine 75 inches

KDRYSLUT- Lewiston Maine 90 inches

KMAINEJAYHAWK- Limington, Maine 80 inches

KTAMARACK- New Sharon Maine 110 inches

KTOOT- Somewhere in Buttfook Maine 120 inches

KLOGAN- Knox NY 80 inches

KMONEYPIT MIKE- Shelburne Mass 68 inches

KSKIMRG- West Chesterfield Mass 82 inches

KWEATHERX- Norwalk CT 48 inches

KGRINCH- Shelton CT 40 inches

KLIBATIONS- Fairfield, CT 38 inches

KWIZ KCTRAIN- West Hartford CT 45 inches

KCOLLINSVILLE- Collinsville, ct 50 inches

KCTBLIZZ- Tolland Ct 59.9 inches

KCOASTAL RI- Westerly RI 30 inches

KNECT- Woodstock, CT 56 inches

KMATTMFER- Providence, RI 35 inches

KTAUNTON BOB- Taunton, Ma 45 inches

KAMYB- Blackstone, MA 50 inches

KWILL- Worcester Mass 65 inches

KHUBBDAVE- Hubbardston, Mass 69 inches

K40/70- Wilmington, Mass 60 inches

KCOASTALWX-Dorchester Mass 50 inches

KCCWEATHER.NET- Cape Cod Mass 35 inches

KMESSENGER- Plymouth Mass 36 inches

KSCITUATE- Scituate Mass 38 inches

KGINX- Moosup-CT 49 inches

I still stand by this...even this might be too optimistic

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No scientific reasoning here...

KBOS - 24"

KORH - 53"

KRAY - 43"

KTOL - 42.9999"

KPVD - 25"

KBDL - 41"

KASH - 47"

KPLY - 18"

KHYA - 15"

KMRG - 83"

MBY - 38"

I'm not sure you can enter this knowing the outcome of December. Heck on that basis I'd go back to my original call.

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It's going to take some serious turnaround in the pattern to come even close to some of the totals that were thrown out here. I know I didn't toss out any totals in here but I honestly did not have a good feeling about the winter back in October. Definitely not this bad, but I thought most would see right around average or a hair under for the season. This +AO/NAO regime coupled with the crappy MJO and Moderate La Nina have been disastrous for most of us. These transient cold shots don't cut it. Let's hope the indices start working in our favor by the middle to end of January. Until than, enjoy the cold shot this coming week. It's going to feel like winter for a few days.

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No scientific reasoning here...

KBOS - 24"

KORH - 53"

KRAY - 43"

KTOL - 42.9999"

KPVD - 25"

KBDL - 41"

KASH - 47"

KPLY - 18"

KHYA - 15"

KMRG - 83"

MBY - 38"

Putting out a prediction 12/31, classic, sort of like predicting the Sox make the playoffs with a 9 game lead Sept 1. , oh wait.

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